The labour party once again amuse me.
Their leader, voted in by the will of the common labour voter, was a rather euro skeptic person, he brought himself to say remain, but just about, and didnt jump up and down for it, while the vast majority of the parlimentary party raved for remain.
Labour voters then didnt vote remain, and the parlimentary party blame the leader.
I fear once again labour parlimentarians are completely at odds with grass root party supporters and dont even realise it.
The seem to think their own labour supporters didnt do as told, because they were told it enough or loudly enough. Rather than actaully react to peoples fears, desires and mainly complaints, and sort fact from fiction for their voters.
Many have voted for this on an economic basis, and clearly have no clue as to potential implications, and should jobs go, and them be hit hardest will blame the conservatives, rather than blame themselves for their own votes.
I will be very interested in what the main divides are come the next election, as the conservatives shouldn't have their natural euro philic euro skptic split, as there is nothing to be split upon.
Their only split will be how hard to punish the working man, and how much tomfoolery they can get away with in the name of big business and making overall deals that are bad for the country but can be sold to the county as good.
See ttip for the uk equivalent now, awfully worried they will,screw that up for the forthcoming generations.