I think a year from now when the economic impact will really be felt, when many people will lose their jobs, when (especially small) businesses struggle and when the real exodus begins, people might be more inclined to decide against going forward with the split. For now, it's simply too early.
Of course, considering how it was mainly old farts that have voted overwhelmingly to leave, maybe not - what do they have to worry about except going to the pub to whinge about how things are no longer like in the 70s. Meh.
Overall though, I'm not that worried, the main thing that will come from this is the UK will bleed more financially, but it will mostly be regular folk that will suffer (and they have themselves to blame for that). Will be amusing to see all the poverty-stricken parts of the country, that have seen massive investment from the EU and that have voted against it, get their comeuppance.