I am actually quite confused and torn which set to get. I'd like one or may be 2 of these max, I don't want all of them.
I want the Tumbler mainly because of the Batman and Joker figure, I don't even think the Tumbler itself is that great. It looks to have a few flappy panels which seems lazy and there ought to be more bits that it can do I feel, like proper technics suspension or something. Plus, because it is all black, it is hard to see the detail of all the pieces
The X-wing although is nice, what I really want is the Millennium Falcon as a Star Wars piece. It is also annoying that it doesn't come with Luke ! Although the price is good and looks impressive. £140
The Simpsons' House. Actually my favourite in terms of execution, looks and what it comes with and I can actually play with it like a big kid lol. £170
The Crawler 4x4, I like Technics and this has a remote and motor !!! Again, I can drive this in the garden. £100
What is more important to me is the build, I want a satisfying build and a fun build. I know they are all in the line of look for the right piece and put it on but some can be quite tedious. I like some build where you can see it taking shape more as you progress, the Millennium Falcon one looks great for example.
So taking away the Tumbler, which I don't think I really like now that I thought about it. Which of the 3 left is best bang for buck in terms of building process? I am leaning towards the crawler, seeing it has actual mechanical moving parts.