Just wanted to say thanks again - you basically shaped our Christmas lol. Neighbours came around ~23rd and helped construct the T-Rex. It is epic. Just had batteries arrive for the voice box --- the gears click a bit, so it isn't super reliable. Something I will fix - and open to recommendations (can you get metal replacements? ).All good old technic sets are expensive.
My favourites were
The power functions rc bulldozer. That one is great, and is also big. It comes with 3 or 4 motors, so is good for building other stuff.
Lego JCB model 8455- loads of pneumatics. My favourite technics kit of all.
The power function rc dinosaur is also fantastic. It's a TRex and it actually walks and roars. Comes with 3 or 4 motors. Set 4958.
I've also just finished the dozer which is missing a couple of bits. By shear fate @Ahleckz was my secret santa and bought me a mini-dozer which had 2 of the critical parts I was missing lol.
All sorted - little one will be buzzing tomorrow. It works extremely well other than the RF somethings getting confused between channel 1 and 5 but that is not often enough to be a drag.
Thank you!