** The Official OcUK Mechanical Keyboard Thread **

I was thinking about getting k70 cherry mx red keyboard.

Now with the introduction of the ducky range, I am tempted to get one of those now.

Any opinions on which is better or they are basically the same?
I got a stepped caps lock key from the states. I got a few other keys with it, but I just found that it was pay the shipping, or do without. :(
Managed to pour a whole cup of tea on my K750 and kill it. So have ordered a Corsair K65 to replace it, should arrive tomorrow. I'll post some pictures when I get a chance.

Kind of still want a numpad though can anyone recommend a separate one.
Well my K65 arrived and it very nice but the J K and Enter buttons aren't working, so will arrange an RMA. Tried it on two computers and get the same problem.

Some pictures for you.



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that is a rather nice keyboard the K65!
MoNkEyMiKeY - i assume you did your research before buying; what were the alternatives.

i'm loving the price and the facts it uses the cherry reds, but i don't like the huge corsair logo on it :( is that a sticker i could take off?
I've now gone for a CM Quickfire rapid Cherry black for cost reasons again, just over £50 Inc p+p. I will probably get the corsair again if I can afford it or it comes down in price. Much prefer the switches being exposed, especially for cleanliness and ease of access. The sticker is thick aluminium and unfortunately recessed so if you remove it there's still a sticker shaped hole. It also covers one of the many screws.

The cables for both are chalk and cheese. The corsair cable was very supple and easy to bend the CM cable is very stiff and bends like a pipe cleaner, also feels cheap to me.

Comparing red to black cherry switches there is a noticeable difference in pressure to push the keys. Can't say its that bad and think I prefer the blacks but could live with either.
I've now gone for a CM Quickfire rapid Cherry black for cost reasons again, just over £50 Inc p+p. I will probably get the corsair again if I can afford it or it comes down in price. Much prefer the switches being exposed, especially for cleanliness and ease of access. The sticker is thick aluminium and unfortunately recessed so if you remove it there's still a sticker shaped hole. It also covers one of the many screws.

The cables for both are chalk and cheese. The corsair cable was very supple and easy to bend the CM cable is very stiff and bends like a pipe cleaner, also feels cheap to me.

Comparing red to black cherry switches there is a noticeable difference in pressure to push the keys. Can't say its that bad and think I prefer the blacks but could live with either.

thanks for this. i will have a closer look and decide...
i really like how the CM Storm White Quickfire TK - Limited Edition looks, but i would like it with the layout that the Cooler Master CM Storm QuickFire ...

has anyone seen one keyb that would meet those criterias:
1. layout like the K65 or de Storm QF
2. tenkeyless
3. backlit

I have the choice of getting one of the below keyboards for free (thanks to a shopping voucher)

Ozone Strike Mechanical Kboard

Qpad Mk50 Red Keyboard Uk

Now, I know nothing about mechanical keyboards but I want one just for general typing etc. Something more comfortable to use.

Which one is the better keyboard?

I have the choice of getting one of the below keyboards for free (thanks to a shopping voucher)

Ozone Strike Mechanical Kboard

Qpad Mk50 Red Keyboard Uk

Now, I know nothing about mechanical keyboards but I want one just for general typing etc. Something more comfortable to use.

Which one is the better keyboard?

being your first mech, try the Qpad as it has mx reds and they might be more suitable than the ozone's black's...
also, a good idea is to read some reviews about them and see what you would prefer!
being your first mech, try the Qpad as it has mx reds and they might be more suitable than the ozone's black's...
also, a good idea is to read some reviews about them and see what you would prefer!

Yeah I think from what I've read online my decision is swinging towards the QPad. Apparently the Ozone's keys are more 'harder' to press down so doesn't make it as efficient when it comes to typing.
Now, I know nothing about mechanical keyboards but I want one just for general typing etc. Something more comfortable to use.

Can you choose another keyboard because if you want it for general typing I would NOT recommend going for Cherry MX reds. For some people it's worse than rubber domes.
If you can get another keyboard, Cherry MX blues is the best starter keyboard especially if you are using it for typing.
There weren't any other keyboards to chose from (Can't link due to competitor) however I did go ahead and order the Qpad. From the reviews I read people were saying it was good for typing so hopefully it is... Can't moan for free. :)
There weren't any other keyboards to chose from (Can't link due to competitor) however I did go ahead and order the Qpad. From the reviews I read people were saying it was good for typing so hopefully it is... Can't moan for free. :)
Fair enough. The keyboard itself is awesome, it's just the switch type can be 50/50 with users. If you like Cherry MX red (which you most probably will) it will be a massive jump from rubber domes :D
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