Have a look at the Leopold 210TP, Adesso akp-220 and Key Cool 22. If you're going for mechanical numpads.Kind of still want a numpad though can anyone recommend a separate one.
If you wanted a numpad why did you order the K65?![]()
Or on the left of your keyboard.Some of the reasons were coast some was the looks of the K65. Also it would be nice to have the numpad to right of my mouse.
I was thinking about getting k70 cherry mx red keyboard.
Now with the introduction of the ducky range, I am tempted to get one of those now.
Any opinions on which is better or they are basically the same?
I've now gone for a CM Quickfire rapid Cherry black for cost reasons again, just over £50 Inc p+p. I will probably get the corsair again if I can afford it or it comes down in price. Much prefer the switches being exposed, especially for cleanliness and ease of access. The sticker is thick aluminium and unfortunately recessed so if you remove it there's still a sticker shaped hole. It also covers one of the many screws.
The cables for both are chalk and cheese. The corsair cable was very supple and easy to bend the CM cable is very stiff and bends like a pipe cleaner, also feels cheap to me.
Comparing red to black cherry switches there is a noticeable difference in pressure to push the keys. Can't say its that bad and think I prefer the blacks but could live with either.
being your first mech, try the Qpad as it has mx reds and they might be more suitable than the ozone's black's...I have the choice of getting one of the below keyboards for free (thanks to a shopping voucher)
Ozone Strike Mechanical Kboard
Qpad Mk50 Red Keyboard Uk
Now, I know nothing about mechanical keyboards but I want one just for general typing etc. Something more comfortable to use.
Which one is the better keyboard?
being your first mech, try the Qpad as it has mx reds and they might be more suitable than the ozone's black's...
also, a good idea is to read some reviews about them and see what you would prefer!
Now, I know nothing about mechanical keyboards but I want one just for general typing etc. Something more comfortable to use.
Fair enough. The keyboard itself is awesome, it's just the switch type can be 50/50 with users. If you like Cherry MX red (which you most probably will) it will be a massive jump from rubber domesThere weren't any other keyboards to chose from (Can't link due to competitor) however I did go ahead and order the Qpad. From the reviews I read people were saying it was good for typing so hopefully it is... Can't moan for free.![]()