How did you get the 10% off code? :O
I would also like to know this.
Also, question re Filco, can I disable the windows key, or will I have to remove it? Gaming left handed is a right pain sometiems as I still use WASD but my thumb hits the Windows key a lot. I have had to remove it on my MS Reclusa.
I went to LITS and bumped into the MD of the company that sells them. Got chatting and he slipped me a business card and wrote a code on the back that allowed me 10% off on their site.
I have the same keyboard but with MX-Blacks.
You will love it, trust me
Did you order the red escape & wasd keys?
Also he's thrown some coloured WASD keys in, some beermats (!) and some keyrings for nothing.
All in all, a good deal methinks.