The official "OMG i passed"/"I should have spent less time on forums" Exam threa

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Originally posted by davidtan
A - Biology
A - Physics
A - French (300/300!!)
B - Chemistry (argh!)

Very nice, especially in French! Don't worry too much about chemistry, you can re-sit next year. I only ever got a B in Chemistry, silly subject anyway :p
Originally posted by KingAdora
Speaking of which when do I get my certificate?
I assume the Uni's will want to see it? Or do they just take your word/UCAS's word for what you got..

You will probably have been at uni for quite a while before you get your certificate, they takes ages. At least my GCSE and AS tiffys took forever to arrive last year... As I understand it [from a friend who is an admissions secretary] the unis get sent all the results a few days in advance so if you don't get the grades they can decide whether or not to accept you anyway.
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Pure 1 Maths - A
Pure 4 Maths - D
Mech 1 Maths - A
Mech 2 Maths - B
D&D 1 Maths - B
Physics waves and particles - B
Physics electrons and photons - B
ICT Unit 18 - B

All in all, not bad, think I'll still resit a few of em.
Originally posted by KingAdora
Speaking of which when do I get my certificate?
I assume the Uni's will want to see it? Or do they just take your word/UCAS's word for what you got..

My sister picked mine up from my old 6th form some time in November, when I was already off in Uni. Uni's take UCAS's word for it since they have access to all the results if they need them. They get the results the day before the students do so they know how many will be ringing up asking about their places if they missed by a grade or two and they already decide who'll get in or not.

It is possible you'll be asked to provide your certificates when applying for a job. My mum got asked for some of her GCSE certificates when she applied to a doctors teaching post about 5 years ago. Lord knows why, she'd been a GP for 20 years!
Originally posted by AlphaNumeric
My mum got asked for some of her GCSE certificates when she applied to a doctors teaching post about 5 years ago. Lord knows why, she'd been a GP for 20 years!

LOL, how silly! :)
Thanks though, someone will have to pick it up for me.
Originally posted by tom_nieto
Very nice, especially in French! Don't worry too much about chemistry, you can re-sit next year. I only ever got a B in Chemistry, silly subject anyway :p [/B]

Yeah, I hate the subject with a passion.
(and if told you that RJC had taught me for the last 2 years, you'd be even more sympathetic. apologies to those to whom this makes absolutely no sense!)

Ive not long got in from being on the drink all day and have just had a meal with my parents.

I got the grades, im going to Leeds Met now to do BSC Computing, well chuffed /as u can tell.


well done every1
Originally posted by davidtan
Yeah, I hate the subject with a passion.
(and if told you that RJC had taught me for the last 2 years, you'd be even more sympathetic. apologies to those to whom this makes absolutely no sense!)

I had Clarky, he was a legend, although couldn't teach chemi for love nor money. was quite useful though, haven't been there for a while!
Well even though I didn't get the grades I needed I've got an offer from UCL in London for Chemistry with Management and an offer from Nottingham for Computer Science, so I'm actually quite happy as I can do a law conversion course and specify more in a specific area :D
Well done everyone :)

For anyone who didn't get what they wanted not to worry, its not the end of the world. I would seriously reccomend re-taking
Grats to those who passed. :)

Originally posted by AlphaNumeric
My mum got asked for some of her GCSE certificates when she applied to a doctors teaching post about 5 years ago. Lord knows why, she'd been a GP for 20 years!

:rolleyes: Ridiculous.
AS results: AAAA
A2 results: AABB

in Physics, Design, Maths and Chemistry respectively.

I'm a bit upset about getting a B in chemistry as it was originally my subject of choice for uni (hoped for Imperial), but I am sure I can work something out.
I got a Bc for AVCE ICT Double.

I am a pleased monkey child. This means in my third year at college all I have to achieve is a D in either of the courses i'm doing to get enough ucas points. Oh it's the slackers life for me. :D
well i got a DD grade for my AVCE ICT. which was good considering i bodged A.I and Networking

i think every1 failed A.I because the standard of teaching was rank, and nobody enjoyed it. not sure how i bidged networks cause i did all the work to a high standard. they probably lost it all again like last year :rolleyes:

but i passed so i gues that was the main thing i guess, and im reasonably happy :) but [erhaps i should have spent less time on here/ in the pub :D

congrats to every1 else who passed ;)
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