*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

I'd go for it as I think there will be lot's of multi platform game support for the camera this time round. Also better take the hit on accessories now rather than later when the money can be spent on better games! :D
Got same email from amazon, preorder date of 16/06.
Some of the bundles was very tempting but for now gone with Bundle 1. Sony PlayStation 4 and Killzone Shadow Fall.
I just submitted my request for a killzone pack with the extra controller, PS Eye and Fifa 14, as me and the boy will play Fifa 14 and I was going to get Killzone anyhow. Extra controller and PS eye will come in handy anyhow, considering the cost of the controller might as well get the cost outlay out of the way now..

so, thats it for me, the missus is paying for this anyhow, now to gently let her know, the prices have increased, but good news, it'll include all the extra gadgets - not that she'll understand any of this lol
Just had my email, still thinking it over. That bundle with the extra controller and camera is very very tempting. But its money I wasn't going to spend.

I've just had my email. Went with Killzone & BF4, wasn't interested in the camera or an extra controller. Just wish we'd had a pack choice with Knack. Just need to get that pre-ordered now.
I also have the Amazon email. I've been waiting some time for an offer on bundles from them! Good job seeing as most other places already had them.

With regards to umming and ahhing over the camera or not - it's a no brainer. Buy the bundle, sell the stuff you don't want. Profit?
Wouldn't have hesitated if it was £430 for the extra controller and camera, but 450 not so tempting...

Maybe the KZsf and BF4 bundle.

Though was just thinking getting bf4 on PS3 on release, then upgrading.
Went for Fifa/Killzone. Add in the extra controller, and it's a tenner cheaper than all together. Yes, I know there's a camera too, but I wouldn't have bought that without this bundle malarkey. Would have preferred bf4/fifa, but hey, killzone looks fun regardless.
I think I'll just go for 'Bundle 1' PS4, Killzone basic pack, and hope Killzone is not to be found for less...

Ah, then I look at Watch Dogs... hmm, what you you guys think will be the best 'launch' game?... Killzone or WD?
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