*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Really impressed with Sony's conference. I'll end up getting both consoles eventually, but the Playstation is getting the pre-order. I'll wait until Xbox comes under £300.
Can anyone point me to a list of PS4 exclusive games? Im trying to decide if its worth me getting a PS4. There are loads of games lists but they all included ALL games.
guys just watched a bit if the conference stream , what I have gathered is

online is a paid for service
price is £350

if thats the case im fairly happy as having a paid online service could only improve the online service we get ?
PS4 running Tom Clancy's the Division stole the show for me. That looked fantastic, and the other Ubisoft game the racer, was it the Crew? Both looked lush, the PS4 then goes and drops in at £350, so I had to pre-order. It would be rude not to ;)

The Crew. Ubisoft are just on fire the last few years, really impressive set of games. It shows how good they are that they can show a brief trailer (that had already been released) for their most anticipated game....and still have a great conference!
Why is everyone taking it so easily? Unless you keep your ps3 you won't be able to play those games on your ps4.

So keep your PS3 then.

I really like what I've seen on the PS4 so far. I was worried that Sony would end up following MS and we'd be looking at a somewhat bleak next-gen, but I'm happy with what they announced and how they announced it. MS seemed to have the better line-up of games to show off, but the PS4's price is far more appealing.

Will be interesting to see what the line-up will be for games at (and in the few months after) launch. That'll be what decides if I buy one sooner rather than waiting 6-12 months.
As someone who mainly plays on pc (and that won't change) have to say I'm impressed, nice price point and none of the bs microsoft seem to be doing. Tempted to pre order one, but guessing it will be better to give it 6 months for the inevitable bugs to be worked out of them.
£350... just take my money dammit! Wow I thought yesterday if Sony can do it for £350 that would be amazing and they have! They have blown xbox out the water and I will pre-order a PS4 right away.

Unfortunately I fell asleep during the Sony conference but I am watching it again now.:p

Any news on the PS4 release date?
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