*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Ah well that's just a branding change. It even says in the article they'll still exist. XBLA has been ridiculously successful, I'd be amazed if MS doesn't continue to push that kind of thing.
Yeah I guess its only the XBLIG program thats actually dead - are XBLA/XBLIG easy to find on X360? I swear I read something ages ago one/both werent and the developers were up in arms trying to get MS to sort it out. I guess that was XBLIG and why they are going.

EDIT: Crap was meant to edit my last post not a new post

ps3ud0 :cool:
It was an extention to Biron's comment about used game sales, not about XBLA:)

Yeah I know, I just think that answer about used game sales is incredibly vague and leaves it open for them to take exactly the approach MS seem to be doing.

Yeah I guess its only the XBLIG program thats actually dead - are XBLA/XBLIG easy to find on X360? I swear I read something ages ago one/both werent and the developers were up in arms trying to get MS to sort it out. I guess that was XBLIG and why they are going.
ps3ud0 :cool:

Yeah the Indie Games section was a bit of a fail imo, just really hard to find the good stuff. I just realised this isn't the Xbox One thread so I'll leave it at that :p
Yeah the Indie Games section was a bit of a fail imo, just really hard to find the good stuff. I just realised this isn't the Xbox One thread so I'll leave it at that :p
And this is why I thought the dual PS4+XO thread had value still in it. Yes its another source of bickering but least you arent going over the same points in different threads unneccessarily...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I thought Sony confirmed they won't be blocking second hand sales?

They've given a vague statement saying they won't block them but publishers will have the option to block them. Or something. To be honest they've been as vague as MS about the subject.
They've given a vague statement saying they won't block them but publishers will have the option to block them. Or something. To be honest they've been as vague as MS about the subject.

One thing they have said though is that the PS4 is usable without an internet connection at all, which rules out an X1 style DRM system.
Yeah that's whats leading me to think they will do it. Surely if they weren't they'd be clear as it would be a big boost for them over the other being vague?
I'd expect Sony not to block them, but give the publishers the option to. That way it will probably still be done, but it won't directly make them look like the 'bad guys'.
Now is the time for gamers to really influence the games industry in the consumers favour by not buying a console that in anyway restricts the use of pre-owned games if MS's policy of a second user fee does indeed turnout to be true then people should just wait before buying, if the first months sales are really poor & lower than expected watch how quickly they would drop it, I'm not saying jump ship to Sony but just hold off buying X1 at launch.
Vote with you're wallets get banded about a lot but in this instance the power to influence the industry in a positive way is huge, especially after Windows 8 bombed so massively, could MS really take an X1 failure as well so soon after.

PlayStation 4 currently beats Xbox One in terms of raw power and has a more mature developer environment, Avalanche Studios has told us.

The Just Cause creator is working with each next gen console right now, and says that in terms of pure specifications and working environment, PS4 is the preferable console. But with Xbox One’s cloud capabilities and further developer support coming, Sony can’t claim an early victory just yet.

We asked Avalanche’s chief technical officer Linus Blomberg how the two consoles compare. “It’s difficult to say, as it’s still early days when it comes to drivers,” he told us. “With each new driver release, performance increases dramatically in some areas. The PlayStation 4 environment is definitely more mature currently, so Microsoft has some catching up to do. But I’m not too concerned about that as they traditionally have been very good in that area. The specs on paper would favour the PS4 over the Xbox One in terms of raw power, but there are many other factors involved so we’ll just have to wait and see a bit longer before making that judgment.”
Now is the time for gamers to really influence the games industry in the consumers favour by not buying a console that in anyway restricts the use of pre-owned games if MS's policy of a second user fee does indeed turnout to be true then people should just wait before buying, if the first months sales are really poor & lower than expected watch how quickly they would drop it, I'm not saying jump ship to Sony but just hold off buying X1 at launch.
Vote with you're wallets get banded about a lot but in this instance the power to influence the industry in a positive way is huge, especially after Windows 8 bombed so massively, could MS really take an X1 failure as well so soon after.

Boycotting won't work, the number of people who don't buy the XO to send a message to Microsoft will be outnumbered by those who buy it. I can't see it being a failure, nor can I see Microsoft thinking what they're doing is wrong.
i am sure their marketing teams already know that most people have said they won't be buying their console with used game restrictions. they still have a chance to change their minds as obviously it will hurt their sales. from business point of view if either microsoft or sony doesn't go with this they will be outright winners among gamers but they are liable to blackmail especially by big publishers like ea so the trade off is give gamers what they want or give in to greedy publishers. clearly its only ea that's pushing hard for this used game blocking.
This kind of thing is easily adjustable though. Both MS and Sony can change their policies based on public reaction. It would be unwise for either of them to set this stuff in stone.
"Most"? :confused:

I think you'll find that far from true.

i haven't heard from anyone that they would buy console that blocks used games. most of the people are banking on ps4 which presumably won't have this feature which shows people are turning away from it and looking for alternatives.
Ultimately, it's the games that make the difference. If they are awesome enough (and they certainly will be), both companies could block used games and people will still buy these machines. They might buy them with a heavy heart, but they'll buy them regardless.
i haven't heard from anyone that they would buy console that blocks used games.

You're blind then, numerous people including myself have said on these very forums they will be buying it. I can't honestly tell you when I last bought a second-hand game, so it's no issue to me whatsoever.

Imagine the amount of people around Xmas time who simply want a new console and will go out to buy the "new" Xbox, hundreds of thousands will be sold around that period. The Xbox brand is simply too big for everyone to suddenly up sticks and abandon it. Just look at the PS3 launch, it was horrendous with hardly any games for ages and an inflated price tag. That still sold because the box said "PlayStation".

I want it personally because a) it's a new gadget, b) the Xbox platform has exclusives I want to play. Exactly the same reason why I have pre-ordered the PS4 too, and why I ended up with all the current-gen consoles. I want to play the best of everything, PC included :)

What we are seeing is the typical negative internet-based reaction to something that nobody other than those making it have enough information on yet. None of us fully understand how the One will work, and MS are still probably finalising these things themselves!
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Boycotting won't work, the number of people who don't buy the XO to send a message to Microsoft will be outnumbered by those who buy it. I can't see it being a failure, nor can I see Microsoft thinking what they're doing is wrong.
I think you mean in your opinion boycotting won't work, Boycotting is the only thing that would work IMO but of course it has to be a mass boycott. sure fanboys will lap up any old **** that gets thrown at them but I don't think the majority of 360 owners fall into that category & if (and it is a big if) those that bought the 360 because for whatever reason they thought it was the best option last gen were to switch to PS4 then I think X1 might well be considered a failure.
Only time will tell of course I'm not a mystic.
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