*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Anyone tired to play War Thunder but have a account on PC, you have to create a new account on PS4, account name has to be your email, but if you put in your email in and its the same as the one used on your PC account it wont let you play... Anyway round this other than using a new email ?
In your PS3 copy of FIFA14 you would have got a PS4 upgrade code, so you can upgrade it for £9.99 to Ps4 version.

Cheers bud, thing is it's my boys that play Fifa. They have the PS3 / Xbox 360 in their bedroom. PS4 is in the lounge and I'm not into football, I'm a big UFC / boxing / racing fan. Anyways the girl at Game switched it to COD Ghosts for me :).

Funny, people in this thread me as well, were saying that there isn't many games at launch, but now I'm thinking the opposite. We've got Killzone, Black Flag, COD Ghosts, Warframe and Resogun. Literally don't have time to play all of them, that's not including Wii U and PC games. Safe to say we have enough to last probably all of 2014 :D
Is there any way to edit videos captured via the share button?

I can't see many instances where I want 15 minutes of footage.

I am not in front of the PS4 at the moment, but if you select the video clip, there is an option to edit the video. When you select edit, it brings up a trim screen, where you can cut it to the length you want, then upload.

Sorry I cant be more specific, but I know it can be done, either that or press the options/start button on the clip.
just got samsung soundbar f550 and my ps4 has no sound going through it :( am a noob

connected tv to sound bar then sky box to the sound bar I'm guessing I need some kind of a splitter?
How do i get in game voice to work?

I cant hear anyone or it seems no one can here me... theres no indicators in game to say anyones talking and my earpiece is silent.

Am i missing something, or do PS4 players not tlake?
Might have managed to get a console from Very for delivery next week.

I need some games to go with it.

I think BF4 is a must as I enjoyed BF3 on my PS3. Are there any other recommendations? KZ... any more?

I ordered from Very this morning too. Some folk online said that it wouldn't be delivered until after Xmas but I tweeted Very and they said it will be delivered on the day it says on my order, which for me is Tuesday coming.

Fingers crossed Very don't let us down.
Just set my ps4 so it enters standby mode , first I had to enable some stuff under power safe settings.

There is a setting here that has me baffled " enable turning on of ps4 from network"

Anyone know what this means and if I should enable it?

Just set my ps4 so it enters standby mode , first I had to enable some stuff under power safe settings.

There is a setting here that has me baffled " enable turning on of ps4 from network"

Anyone know what this means and if I should enable it?


Were I to take a guess, would it mean you can turn the PS4 on say through remote play?
Ok this thread has gone too fast for me - I eventually got mine setup around 11.30 last night and had a quick go. Surprisingly my AAA games are still sealed - just loving Resogun so much - just brings me right back to SSHD - it looks good, but more that its so smooth...

Played the FIFA demo and erm yeah I like it, surprised by that - will get the proper one installed with KZ tonight - Robert1986 fancy loaning me some coins ;)

P.S. Any obscure tips/tricks anyone thinks is worth mentioning would be great - I think Ive got the settings right...
P.P.S. I also had way too much fun than is allowed for a 35year old man with the Playroom :o

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Lol they need to do something about the live streaming. Popped a stream on with a black family using playroom and so many racist and rude comments. Not the kind of thing you would want your kids to see.
yeah one of the reasons I dont fancy using standby mode , I always considered the ps3 to be in standby with the little red light showing as this was the only option of turning the ps3 off but the ps4 standby seems to use a lot more power?

I would imagine it'll only be using more power when it's actually doing things e.g. downloading data or whatever. Compared to having to have the PS3 fully on in order to achieve the same thing, it'll be far more efficient.

You've just spent £350 on a new console, worrying about a few additional Watts is pointless.
I ordered from Very this morning too. Some folk online said that it wouldn't be delivered until after Xmas but I tweeted Very and they said it will be delivered on the day it says on my order, which for me is Tuesday coming.

Fingers crossed Very don't let us down.

Yeah, my order says "accepted", I can "track parcel" and it has a green tick at processed but I'll be more hopeful when I see it ticked at the dispatched part.

Looking at the games available at the moment I think I'll just stick with BF4. Nothing else really appeals that much to me. War Thunder maybe.
I would imagine it'll only be using more power when it's actually doing things e.g. downloading data or whatever. Compared to having to have the PS3 fully on in order to achieve the same thing, it'll be far more efficient.

You've just spent £350 on a new console, worrying about a few additional Watts is pointless.

It's in standby now , can't hear a thing so that's good , I may try the ps app to see how it works when downloading to see if it turns on fully or stays in standby but just kicks up a bit more noise.
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