*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Try connecting the PS4 to it directly.

Edit: You've got HDMI In and Optical In, so I'd use the HDMI In for the PS4 and the Optical In for Sky.
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I agree that Resogun is just brilliant ;)

+1 :D

It is so addictive!

Also just finished Contrast. Absolutely riddled with bugs; the amount of times I had to restart a level because I got stuck in the ground, or a crate didn't respawn. Also the ending is a bit of mind****.

Just glad it's out of the way now so I can get back to Assassins Creed Black Flag, which is awesome! Graphics are brilliant :)
Yeah, my order says "accepted", I can "track parcel" and it has a green tick at processed but I'll be more hopeful when I see it ticked at the dispatched part.

Looking at the games available at the moment I think I'll just stick with BF4. Nothing else really appeals that much to me. War Thunder maybe.

Hmm, I ordered mine at 9:40, and it's still sitting at Order Being Processed. Better not let me down!!!
ok, i've searched for a while, but cant find anything. Did any of you guys get your ps4 games with the currys code? I had mine cancelled. :(
Am I missing something , but what is the point of the library on the ps4 UI.

I just looked in there and I have a AC 4 addon that I presume is installed ,fifa14 demo that I deleted but have an option to re-download from here and resogun.
Am I missing something , but what is the point of the library on the ps4 UI.

I just looked in there and I have a AC 4 addon that I presume is installed ,fifa14 demo that I deleted but have an option to re-download from here and resogun.

Think it's just a place for stuff that you've claimed from the psn store, quick access so you don't have to go into the store to re-download
Is it everything you have owned rather than own?

Could get a bit cluttered after awhile, would be nice (and I'm sure they will in an update) to have categories for demos, full games, add-ons and apps.
The Tesco by me had 5 in stock this afternoon but I decided to leave it, then had a change of heart and they are now all gone. :(

Anywhere I can get one online for delivery some time soon?
Loving the PS4. Such a slick UI. Everything is so responsive and snapping in and out of different applications just feels great.

Few minor niggles though, hopefully all will be resolved eventually.

The mic comms are still not up to to Xbox Live standards imo for one simple reason: lack of background noise cancellation. I can hear other people's speaker audio constantly. So annoying. I did discover that the older (non EarPod) iPhone headphones work great with the DS4 though. The mic is pretty good and I think does a better job of cancelling background noise out. They are also stereo headphones so work nicely for gaming.

Anyone tried Netflix on it yet? I can't get it to show the Super HD option but can on PS3. Anyone else getting this? Other than that, it's fine.

My biggest annoyance is that I can't seem to get it to bitstream DTS Master HD from Blu-rays. Even if I set it to Bitstream (Direct) it will just send normal DTS to my receiver. Anyone noticed that?
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