*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

That's another thing. I really doubt the ps4 is really designed to use an ssd properly at all. I doubt it has a sata3 interface or trim. Far better off in a pc.

Its SATA2 only. TRIM I'm not sure of, but I thought most modern SSDs handled this themselves anyway.
Does anyone think that Flower PS4 just looks like Flower PS3? Not really noticed much differences apart from a smidge of AA...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Bought this cos ign said 9.5 and i had $10 for free with the PS4. Not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be doing in this? Like ok, you move the controller and make wind... Perhaps I'm missing the artistry in all of this... But what else is supposed to happen? I'm not into Flowers, the fluid motion was fun for all of five secs. Where's a end of level final boss to kill? Can I not shoot something?
Yeh, stuck near the beginning of Act III at the moment, driving me mad I can't work out how to do this bit!

It's nothing special. Considering it replaced DriveClub in the launch lineup.

Super-short game, I finished it in about 2 hours, and that consisted of a number of chapter restarts as the game kept bugging out and character was getting stuck in the ground.

Which bit are you stuck on?
I'm sure you know this already but the circle around you shows the recharge times. Top for boost (also audio), bottom for overdrive.
No I didnt so thank you for that
I thought the PS4 didn't support TRIM and will chew up SSD's in a few years.
Most new SSDs come with their own garbage collecting routines now so OS TRIM support doesnt appear to be as necessary as it was - still I couldnt pay the costs involved to go down that route, rather have a flash cache though and wish Sony/MS had thought of that as a standard component...
Bought this cos ign said 9.5 and i had $10 for free with the PS4. Not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be doing in this? Like ok, you move the controller and make wind... Perhaps I'm missing the artistry in all of this... But what else is supposed to happen? I'm not into Flowers, the fluid motion was fun for all of five secs. Where's a end of level final boss to kill? Can I not shoot something?
You have to open the flowers - its just a very chilled out artsy game, I appreciate its very marmite though. Its a great break from FIFA/FPS games for me...

ps3ud0 :cool:
It's nothing special. Considering it replaced DriveClub in the launch lineup.

Super-short game, I finished it in about 2 hours, and that consisted of a number of chapter restarts as the game kept bugging out and character was getting stuck in the ground.

Which bit are you stuck on?

I've had a few moments of glitchyness, only once had to restart a chapter because of a glitch.

I'm stuck at the entrance to Vincenzo's secret workshop. Have to move the planets around to get the ball up on a balcony so it can be dropped into the mechanism in the next room.

Haven't worked it out yet
You have to open the flowers - its just a very chilled out artsy game, I appreciate its very marmite though. Its a great break from FIFA/FPS games for me...

ps3ud0 :cool:

wow 9.5? It's more like a technical demo of the motion capabilities of the DS3 / DS4 more than a game.. So there's nothing to complete? no levels or anything? nothing to save? Admittedly after 5 mins of playing i went back to Fifa / COD.. So never gave it a chance.. I did try again this morning but only got to that 5mins before saying ok, I'm done.
Yeah I thought Flower was 'interesting' It's a 5 min, 'oh look that's different' game to me. I actually preferred Flow, and Journey was of course amazing.
I don't really understand why you would spend so much money on a SSD to save yourself 5 seconds loading time.

Agreed. Seems daft to spend money that could be better spent on games/PS+, just to shave at most 10 seconds off the loading time for a game. I'd rather just have the extra games.

I can understand ssd's for pc use where it makes a huge difference to overall responsiveness. But in a gaming console? Hmmm, bit of a waste of money I think.

That's another thing. I really doubt the ps4 is really designed to use an ssd properly at all. I doubt it has a sata3 interface or trim. Far better off in a pc.

Not sure if you reffering to my post or someone else's?

My SSD was free lol. I had it lying around, thought I may as well put it to use and benefit from the extra space along with a cooler / quieter / faster PS4 :p

It's way more than ten seconds faster, it feels literally twice as fast when loading games. PS4 was designed with HDD, SHDD, and SSD in mind. In the future when SSD prices drop that will become the default gaming device storage method.

I have one in my PC as well ;)
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