*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Managed to reserve one at argos yesterday and picked it up today.

Wouldnt boot up with 360s hdmi cable but thankfully did with the pre packed one. First impressions when booted up killzone were that it looks like a pretty well specced pc. Killzone sucks though unless its just me i cant find were im supposed to be going. Not tried it online yet.

Pressing up on the D-pad will show your objective as an orange marker ;)
+1 people cried on here about me having six, but oh if a business does things for profits, it's ok :confused: seriously we all had the same chance to order back in June

That's not the point. I follow this stuff so pre-ordered, but most people don't. Chances are the people you're selling them to are parents with kids who really want one from Christmas. It's not as though you had this great idea - it's like this every launch - most people in the know just wouldn't want to do it. I had a guaranteed launch XB1 too btw, but cancelled the day before shopto were going to take the money as I decided I didn't want one and because it wouldn't have sat right with me stopping someone else having the chance.

Merry Christmas ;)
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Should be getting mine next week finally, pre-ordered on Amazon back in October 6th but that was too late for the launch :( Should come on 12th/13th which I'm looking forward to, plus I've completed DR3/Ryse on the XBO so not much left to do unless I decide to give AC a try :p

How's the store handle? Seen some people say it can be clunky, no where near as bad as the PS3 store though I suspect?
I swear you must be an absolute moron to invoke that logic.

Businesses are adding value by obtaining products that are difficult to source for an individual and providing a point of sale at which to view and buy them.

You're simply being selfish and buying up excess product to flog at an extortionate price. Should I assume you purchased all your PS4's from Sony and their manufacturers? Or have you just ordered them all from a reseller like Amazon and are now adding a mark up on top of the retailers own one. No.

Why are you getting so worked up?

If you are smart you would have pre ordered months in advance.

He's not holding a gun to someones head saying that they have to buy from him.

People are gladly willing to do so.

Imo exploiting idiots with more money than sense is fair game. Nobody is forcing them to buy.

If they were smart they could easily wait until January and then buy or pre order now before the next batch hits.

Nobody is forcing them to overpay.

In fact I wouldn't even call it overpaying it's supply and demand, it's a free market. The market dictates the prices.

I'll say this again nobody is forcing them to buy from him. All they need to say is that there was no stock and that because of their own stupidity of not pre ordering they will need to wait for stock.

There are people out there who make millions from similar processes. When some rich Arab wants a Ferrari which has a 2 Year waiting list, someone will find him one that week but at a much higher rate.

Imo it's the people who never pre ordered that are the idiots
You'd have to be a real moron to buy one off a reseller tbh.. If there's people out there who are stupid enough to pay £100+ over the odds, that's up to them. Personally it wouldn't be worth my time and effort to buy extra consoles and sell them on, I'm not that hard up.

I only decided that I wanted one on launch night. Ended up with a Killzone bundle off John Lewis. No ridiculous ques, no midnight excursions & no forced bundles/inflated prices.

Where there's a will there's a way. :p
I don't understand why they are getting so worked up that some moron out there who never pre ordered is paying more than the rrp.

It's more that persons fault, after them I would have to blame Sony for not making enough stock.

I have one sitting here that I could sell for a profit especially since I'm going on holiday soon and won't be back til mid January. So it's not even gonna see much use but I'm keeping it.

If some idiot offers me like a grand though I would gladly take it and buy another when I'm back.

There's still stock out there so I don't see what the problem is.

Zavvi, argos and game all have stock last time I checked the informer website.
Again, back to the same old discussion about people who bought consoles for profit. We've already had this a few pages back and it's boring now.
Blah blah...

There must be so many desperate people out there to crawl all over everyone else to make a quick buck. Quite a depressing world we clearly live in. :o

To answer your question, I'm "worked up" because it is clearly wrong to do such a thing. Everybody is out for themselves nowadays, it's pathetic.

Glad to see you conveniently ignored literally everything I said in my post too.

Surely you can see that these people stalking the stock tracking sites to profiteer are actually contributing to the stock problems and subsequently putting people in the position where if they want a PS4 for christmas they HAVE to pay over the odds. They're not doing anyone any favours, like I said, no value is being added unlike the sort of service a retailer like Amazon is providing.
+1 people cried on here about me having six, but oh if a business does things for profits, it's ok :confused: seriously we all had the same chance to order back in June

Yeah same here, i got 3 on launch day and just sold 2 to cex...if people are stupid enough to pay over the odds then its their problem! btw I think we have the same last name haha...add me on PSN ShiversDan
Really surprised how well the PS4 runs Assassins creed black flag. Its smoother than my PC with a 780 at 1080p and looks identical....

Yeah same...i for some reason expected PS4 visuals to be much worse than PC! you tried NBA 2K14? my gf actually thought i was watching basketball on tv at first lol.
I swear you must be an absolute moron to invoke that logic.

Businesses are adding value by obtaining products that are difficult to source for an individual and providing a point of sale at which to view and buy them.

You're simply being selfish and buying up excess product to flog at an extortionate price. Should I assume you purchased all your PS4's from Sony and their manufacturers? Or have you just ordered them all from a reseller like Amazon and are now adding a mark up on top of the retailers own one. No.

So amazon can make a profit but I can't :confused:

Out of six I kept one, have one being picked up on Friday, rest sold! everyone who bought them was actually pretty relieved to get one and happy to pay the price, no one even negotiated ;)
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