*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

I dont see the problem here at all, if he wants to order 6 thats his business. There was no guarantee he was going to make money he took a risk and he is now making money. If people wanted a PS4 they should have pre ordered one.

If people want to pay stupid prices for a console that they could have got cheaper if they weren't so lazy to pre order one then let them. I ordered my one in August because i wanted a PS4 other people who didn't book one it's there loss and his gain. The world revolves around money it's not like he is making money illegally?
If you want a co-op game or one with quite a lot of replayability id get lego marvel. Assassins creed if you want to show off the graphics and in general like assassins creed games.

Knack is really good, however it doesn't have the same time sink as the other two, so would wait for it on sale if you can only pick one.

I'm not a fan of sports games, so I can't advise you on those, I just know lego marvel and assassins creed both worth the money.
Swing it whatever way you want, your obviously not parents.

Cashing in on the desperation of parents wanting to buy their kids the ultimate pressie is low.

No different to ticket touts.

You are not Amazon. If you were ,you wouldn't be price gouging so highly, paying business rates, paying wages.

Just ****** the lot of yee! ;)

There should be a two system limit on purchases to stamp this out.

You are well within your right to do it, but you are still a Dellboy. lol

Maybe all these desperate parents should have preordered ps4's then? Seems the obvious thing to do. I mean its the same scenario every time a new console comes out so it's not exactly a new situation. People just aren't clever enough to learn these days.
Has anyone got or played Madden? If so is it good? I'm looking for a sports game as I refuse to buy Fifa with features removed.

The reviews aren't great, apparently a very small step up from Xb360/PS3 and not worth it on that ground.

I'm personally going to hold off until the next version as I expect that should be a lot better.
Maybe all these desperate parents should have preordered ps4's then? Seems the obvious thing to do. I mean its the same scenario every time a new console comes out so it's not exactly a new situation. People just aren't clever enough to learn these days.

Your not wrong, just don't think they realise half the time.

Too busy working and raising their children to be on forums and watching E3 like us sadsacks. heh

Mind you, I do all of the above. I pre-ordered in February a day after announcement and another in June as back up.

I sold that one on to a mate without profit.
Bosting about it is wrong end if story. No need to come in here and rub it in people noses that you ordered more than 1 just to make extra cash when there are people who's preorders have not been fulfilled...

Any further talk if scalping should be deleted as it's **** people off.

I never condoned anyone coming on here and boasting about (which I know is what started this debacle). I am just saying, what right do you have to say that it is wrong for them to make a profit? What if the person selling the PS4 at a high price needed the money to pay for a sick relative? Would it be 'different' then?

Also, for any people selling it on Ebay, they would have to sell it well above what they paid to actually break even, let alone make a profit. Selling it at £350, using Paypal as the payment method, would only work out to be about £300 for the seller after Ebay and Paypal take their cut.
Someone at work couldn't get her PS4 because of Natwest going down on Monday evening and she is now desperately looking for one for Christmas, willing to pay close to £500! She pre-ordered since August too. She has had a go at Natwest and Amazon but neither will help her get one and Amazon can deliver until February.
Someone at work couldn't get her PS4 because of Natwest going down on Monday evening and she is now desperately looking for one for Christmas, willing to pay close to £500! She pre-ordered since August too. She has had a go at Natwest and Amazon but neither will help her get one and Amazon can deliver until February.

I'm sure one of our resident Dellboy scummers will be able to help her out.
Whoever asked about Madden - yes get it.

Not a massive graphical leap, yes its better but its not NBA 2K like in its efforts.

However the gameplay is a lot better, they have worked harder on the line interaction etc and you will get a very good game of NFL out of the box.

As for freatures, its got all the usual stuff, nothing removed as far as I know.
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