Swing it whatever way you want, your obviously not parents.
Cashing in on the desperation of parents wanting to buy their kids the ultimate pressie is low.
No different to ticket touts.
You are not Amazon. If you were ,you wouldn't be price gouging so highly, paying business rates, paying wages.
Just ****** the lot of yee!
There should be a two system limit on purchases to stamp this out.
You are well within your right to do it, but you are still a Dellboy. lol
Has anyone got or played Madden? If so is it good? I'm looking for a sports game as I refuse to buy Fifa with features removed.
Maybe all these desperate parents should have preordered ps4's then? Seems the obvious thing to do. I mean its the same scenario every time a new console comes out so it's not exactly a new situation. People just aren't clever enough to learn these days.
Bosting about it is wrong end if story. No need to come in here and rub it in people noses that you ordered more than 1 just to make extra cash when there are people who's preorders have not been fulfilled...
Any further talk if scalping should be deleted as it's **** people off.
Someone at work couldn't get her PS4 because of Natwest going down on Monday evening and she is now desperately looking for one for Christmas, willing to pay close to £500! She pre-ordered since August too. She has had a go at Natwest and Amazon but neither will help her get one and Amazon can deliver until February.
Has anyone got or played Madden? If so is it good? I'm looking for a sports game as I refuse to buy Fifa with features removed.
The game im most suprised about is FIFA 14 looks beautiful compared the 360 and i literally thought it would just be a port.
Tournaments have been removed.
Stock informer is useless I swear. I have yet to find one no matter how quick I try to reserve.