211 pre orders? You'll never get one then in that case. Can the smaller stores even hold more then 200 units? They'll be boxes all over the place, no one would be able to move in the limited store /storage space they have in these game stores, the smaller ones in any case.
I have no idea what pre order numbers they normally get for new console releases, but for one store to have 211 PS4 pre orders, sounds a bit high.!!
I'm now starting to come down from my PS4 high I had, thankfully and even though I've got a pre order with amazon, I'd be amazed if I actually get one.
I'd be happy enough to have a PS4 in 2014 if the christmas rush means I miss out.
I've looked over the games coming out, not sure what games i'd actually pre order and play once I get the console anyhow.
Killzone maybe, but then Killzone 3 didn't hold my attention for that long, driveclub looks interesting.
I think we've mostly got caught up in this DRM and jump on MS bandwagon a little. Not to say PS4 isn't going to be good, and Sony have made some good choices.