*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

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Fffffffffuuuuuuuu PSN, can't play Assassins Creed tonight because my latest save from the weekend is on the cloud, *******! :(.
Its hard not to be concerned about Driveclub, I cant think of many great games that had a difficult development - though perhaps thats me being pessimistic where most bad games do have those develoment issues/hurdles.

Still not real display of anything since delay, speaks volumes

ps3ud0 :cool:

Resident Evil 2 and Half Life 2 had difficult developments and were both canned and started again from scratch.

Also Alan Wake and Star Craft 2 spring to mind as well.

Lastly IMO, Prey was pretty good! :p

On the flip side:

Duke Nukem
Too Human
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so we have driveclub becoming vapourware, infamous being 3hrs long and watchdogs looking pants, this is some generation :rolleyes:

and still no ****ing 3d bluray or media functions, thanks sony, sums up that they rushed things to get the console out, without having developers in place and on board to deliver great games
Infamous 3 hours long, are you joking mate?

Watch Dogs looks awesome.

Ps buy a dedicated BluRay player they're 100x better buddy.
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so we have driveclub becoming vapourware, infamous being 3hrs long and watchdogs looking pants, this is some generation :rolleyes:

and still no ****ing 3d bluray or media functions, thanks sony, sums up that they rushed things to get the console out, without having developers in place and on board to deliver great games

A little extreme, I would rather they take the time to create a great game than rush out something average. I'll sit tight for Second Son as it will likely take me twice as long to complete than the video and there is still question marks over the footage of Watchdogs. Either way even if it doesn't look as visually stunning as the original clips, it was the concept that got me and sounds like a great game still.

Agreed on the Blu Ray 3D, I know most people on this forum don't care for 3D but I enjoy the odd movie night with the 3D specs out :)

Also the connectivity with my PC can't come fast enough.
PSN is always down just after you get home from work.. Its been like this since i've had a PS3, it has never changed. It'll be down for hours, sometimes you get lucky and it comes back before 10pm.

Stupid times really. and I've just picked up a Ps3 for £40 so as I could download the huge backlog of PS+ games, put a 500GB hard drive in, can't connect to download bioshock or metro last light lol

Anyhow, enough complaining.

I'm sure infamous isn't 3 hours long.
well theres a video of IGN (I think, see infamous thread) of them rushing it in 3 hours, so for us mortals its probably about 5, still pretty shocking for a £50 game

Im disappointed now, since launch there has been sod all, and no updated features. I expected driveclub and watchdogs by now, but theres just a massive void apart from infamous, which is shaping up to be a massive let down.

dont want a dedicated bluray player, they are not 100x better, the ps3 was an awesome BR player, and I expected the PS4 to be the same, why do I need another box under the TV? the PS4 should just do what the PS3 could and more, again more evidence that Sony didnt have half a brain to think people will miss these things
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so we have driveclub becoming vapourware, infamous being 3hrs long and watchdogs looking pants, this is some generation :rolleyes:

and still no ****ing 3d bluray or media functions, thanks sony, sums up that they rushed things to get the console out, without having developers in place and on board to deliver great games

This. Fed up of waiting around for a decent game to come out. Feel like I've exhausted bf4. Inb4 someone says "surely you knew the launch games?" I did but expected some of the delayed games to come out by now.

In any case infamous is out. I'm more into multiplayer games but I might give it a go....
so we have driveclub becoming vapourware, infamous being 3hrs long and watchdogs looking pants, this is some generation :rolleyes:

and still no ****ing 3d bluray or media functions, thanks sony, sums up that they rushed things to get the console out, without having developers in place and on board to deliver great games

Media functions may never be integrated because Sony are invested in people buying movies and hiring them through the store or physical copies as they own a movie company do they not?

I have a decent TV with DLNA so I play my media directly through my TV or my PC which is hooked up to it through HDMI. I can also connect my laptop through HDMI, etc.

Plex works on PS4 through browser even if you cannot do the above.

So your getting your panties in a twist over nothing.

3D blu ray will come soon enough, it's just a matter of them writing a few lines of code and pushing the update. The console hasn't even been out 6 months yet.
Yeah PSN is down and all that but a PS3 for £40 you say, Do tell...

Ah yeah, chap at work sold me it. Old 40GB Phat, but I had a 500GB HD so thought.. Why not. Got a shed load of Ps3 games via PS+, so for 40 notes, can play loads of games for well - 40 quid really.

Can't complain. I was a bit foolish to sell my Ps3 slim when I got the Ps4, so I sold the slim for £80 and kept the 500GB hd from it, just picked up a PS3 phat for £40 and put the same 500GB hd in, so technically made £40 and still got a Ps3 for the shed load of PS3 games I've got on Ps+

win win IMO
Its hard not to be concerned about Driveclub, I cant think of many great games that had a difficult development - though perhaps thats me being pessimistic where most bad games do have those develoment issues/hurdles.

There are so many games that have bad and/or delayed developments but you don't really know about it and there are plenty more that have and have turned out great. There's no reason to be concerned until it's finished and in front of us.
well theres a video of IGN (I think, see infamous thread) of them rushing it in 3 hours, so for us mortals its probably about 5, still pretty shocking for a £50 game

Im disappointed now, since launch there has been sod all, and no updated features. I expected driveclub and watchdogs by now, but theres just a massive void apart from infamous, which is shaping up to be a massive let down.

dont want a dedicated bluray player, they are not 100x better, the ps3 was an awesome BR player, and I expected the PS4 to be the same, why do I need another box under the TV? the PS4 should just do what the PS3 could and more, again more evidence that Sony didnt have half a brain to think people will miss these things

That's rubbish about infamous I've watched the vid and its just a live stream of a demo of a couple of levels. They even say demo numerous times in the vid and they have certain powers disabled.
Ah yeah, chap at work sold me it. Old 40GB Phat, but I had a 500GB HD so thought.. Why not. Got a shed load of Ps3 games via PS+, so for 40 notes, can play loads of games for well - 40 quid really.

Can't complain. I was a bit foolish to sell my Ps3 slim when I got the Ps4, so I sold the slim for £80 and kept the 500GB hd from it, just picked up a PS3 phat for £40 and put the same 500GB hd in, so technically made £40 and still got a Ps3 for the shed load of PS3 games I've got on Ps+

win win IMO

HMV preowned sale I think.
I love that people expected Watch_Dogs by now.

Like Ubisoft were ever going to release Watch_Dogs against Assassin's Creed IV. Why would they compete for sales in 3rd person adventure titles against themselves. It was always going to get delayed. Sell lots of one and then sell lots of the other.
I don't get a lot of time to game what with having a 6 month old so these psn maintenance down times are really starting to annoy me. If its not the EA servers (yes I get its not Sony) messing up constantly its PSN being down for yet more maintenance. Its been off pretty much all day!
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