*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

It's not a big problem but it is a problem.

Here's how it affects Strider for example.


if this is the gates that you burst through - they are visible on my strider.
Is Destiny a FPS? I don't generally play them but I always make the odd exception, most recently it was FC3 which I enjoyed.
I suppose because it is a new IP, looks kind of like Borderlands, has pretty good graphics (from the vids we've already seen). But it could turn out like many other games in this 'next' gen and just be awful :p
What's the big hoo ha about it? Is it an epic setting or just because it's made by Bungee?
IMO its purely because its the first game by Bungie since leaving MS and will be multi-plat. Thats the feeling Ive got as Ive seen very little about the actual game itself, but have to admit Ive not gone out of my way to find more...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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