*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Got a PS4 from Tesco Direct for £315 arriving on Friday. Not sure if I really want it. I'm gonna get a used copy of Killzone, play it for a few days then probably return it to the store unless it impresses me.
Killzone looks alright but it's totally forgettable. Infamous is much better and, although it's short, MGS V: Ground Zeroes is decent too.

edit: On another note, I really hope this is true. I missed out on the PS3 exclusives and I'm dying to play this game!
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I thought Killzone was pretty good and Infamous is forgettable tbh.

Another cash in coming to PS4. They should leave the last of us on PS3 and concentrate on something new. I'm sure it will be a full price release like Tomb raider was...
Another cash in coming to PS4. They should leave the last of us on PS3 and concentrate on something new. I'm sure it will be a full price release like Tomb raider was...

Hardly a cash in, there's a lot of Microsoft converts now with PS4s that have missed out on TLOU. I'm certainly not going to buy a PS3 to catch up on the exclusives that I've missed.
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