*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

You opened your control pad and broke it. I would leave the playstation...

Well that was down to having no instruction and it was due to a silly mastake (slightly snapping off the rod on the trigger)

I can build PC's with ease so I'm sure opening up a PS4 won't be to hard. I also previously opened up my various 360's and cleaned them every 3 months or so. It's not difficult if you know what you're doing.
is there a simple fix for dlc content not working on ps4 , i've had china rising on battlefield ,freefall map on cod and now cole legacy dlc not working on infamous.
i've tried factory reset , deleting game save, and downloading from sony website on pc,
i cant seem to delete the dlc to try again , other ps4 folks have similar problems but the workaround does'nt seem to work for me.
Is there an easy access way to get into the PS4 fans to give them a clean? My PS4 is on for quite a lot of the day and the room I'm in gets dusty quickly so I can only imagine how dusty the inside of my PS4 must be.
No dont do this - perhaps clean the room more often...

ps3ud0 :cool:
No dont do this - perhaps clean the room more often...

ps3ud0 :cool:

I have OCD, I am beyond a clean freak!

I will clean in the morning and in the afternoon, making sure every where is vacuumed and making sure everywhere is dusted. The following morning the top of my PS4 (shiny part) will be sprinkled with dust. I can't explain it.
I have OCD, I am beyond a clean freak!

I will clean in the morning and in the afternoon, making sure every where is vacuumed and making sure everywhere is dusted. The following morning the top of my PS4 (shiny part) will be sprinkled with dust. I can't explain it.

PS4, like all my black tech, is an absolute dust magnet. Although my black glass TV stand is the absolute worst
Is there an easy access way to get into the PS4 fans to give them a clean? My PS4 is on for quite a lot of the day and the room I'm in gets dusty quickly so I can only imagine how dusty the inside of my PS4 must be.

I opened my 4 year old PS3 and there wasn't much dust inside it, I really wouldn't go opening a console after just a few months.
Well, I've just bought a PS4 inFamous bundle on a total whim. I already have a day one Xbox One but I'm a sucker for technology. I'm really liking the PS4 so far, it's a very different experience to the Xbox. InFamous seems to be good too.
You opened your control pad and broke it. I would leave the playstation...

Well that was down to having no instruction and it was due to a silly mastake (slightly snapping off the rod on the trigger)

I can build PC's with ease so I'm sure opening up a PS4 won't be to hard. I also previously opened up my various 360's and cleaned them every 3 months or so. It's not difficult if you know what you're doing.

Well that was down to having no instruction and it was due to a silly mastake (slightly snapping off the rod on the trigger)
I can build PC's with ease so I'm sure opening up a PS4 won't be to hard. I also previously opened up my various 360's and cleaned them every 3 months or so. It's not difficult if you know what you're doing.

If it's anything like a PS3 it's not like opening up a PC or 360, lots of fiddly ribbon cables and daughter boards, anyway you don't have to guess or listen to anyone here, go view a PS4 teardown video and judge for yourself, it may be easy.
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I opened my 4 year old PS3 and there wasn't much dust inside it, I really wouldn't go opening a console after just a few months.

Sony Consoles aren't designed to hoover up dust. No need to open them up and clean them.

As long as you clean your room and av unit regularly that should be enough to do the job. Maybe hoover all the vents but I doubt that it needs it
Anyone having frequent problems with the Share button now?

Every time I've gone to use it in Infamous it's captured the first 15 minutes I'd played during that session only... it just seems to hold that until the Share button is pressed rather than continually replacing what it's storing.
Anyone having frequent problems with the Share button now?

Every time I've gone to use it in Infamous it's captured the first 15 minutes I'd played during that session only... it just seems to hold that until the Share button is pressed rather than continually replacing what it's storing.

Don't you double tap it to start recording or something ?
Don't you double tap it to start recording or something ?

Yes if you want to force it to record from that point onwards you can do that, however it is mean't to always be recording and holding the most recent 15 minutes of game play automatically which it then saves to a file when you goto the share menu.

Instead it now just seems to stop recording after it has 15 minutes stored.
I think it's been like that since release mate, I've been robbed of some awesome BF4 moments because of the last 15 minute recording being broken.
I think it's been like that since release mate, I've been robbed of some awesome BF4 moments because of the last 15 minute recording being broken.

Yeah I've noticed that too after some crazy moment, I'll go back to check and it hasn't been recording for hours.

Not something I'd ever use much but be nice if it was sorted out as doesn't seem to work correctly for me either. Only tried it 2-3 times like.
Complete 2014 games lineup.

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Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition SCE
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Rayman Legends Ubisoft
Stealth Inc: Ultimate Edition Curve Studios
SteamWorld Dig Image&Form
Strider Capcom
The Lego Movie Videogame Warner Bros.
Thief Square Enix
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Square Enix
TowerFall Ascension Matt Makes Games


1001 Spikes Nicalis
Anomaly 2 11 Bit Studios
Bound by Flame Focus Home
CastleStorm: Definitive Edition Zen Studios
Cel Damage HD Finish Line Games
Child of Light Ubisoft
Daylight Atlus
Divekick: Addition Edition Iron Galaxy
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Square Enix
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Drinkbox Studios
KickBeat: Special Edition Zen Studios
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Secret Ponchos Switchblade Monkeys
Sportsfriends Die Gute Fabrik
Switch Galaxy Ultra Atomicon
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Activision
Strike Suit Zero Born Ready games
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Titan Attacks Curve Studios
Trials Fusion Ubisoft
War Thunder Gaijin Network
Watch_Dogs Ubisoft
Wolfenstein: The New Order Bethesda


CounterSpy SCE
Destiny Activision
Final Horizon Eiconic Games
GALAK-Z: The Dimensional 17 Bit Games
Helldivers SCE
Murdered: Soul Suspect Square Enix
OlliOlli Roll7
Pavilion Visiontrick
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate Double Eleven
Sniper Elite 3 505 Games
The Elder Scrolls Online Bethesda
The Evil Within Bethesda
Race the Sun Flippfly
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Activision
Velocity 2X Futurlab
Title Publisher
Alien: Isolation Sega
Dragon Age: Inquisition EA
Evolve 2K
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Devolver Digital
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution Ratloop
The Witness Thekla, Inc.


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Guns of Icarus Online Muse Games
Hyper Light Drifter Heart Machine
Ray’s the Dead Ragtag Studios

TBA 2014

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Aztez Team Colorblind
Backgammon Blitz The Fyzz
Batman: Arkham Knight Warner Bros.
Blast ‘Em Bunnies Nnoo Pty
Cosmic Star Heroine Zeboyd
Defense Grid 2 505 Games
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition Activision Blizzard
#Driveclub SCE
Dying Light Warner Bros.
EA Sports UFC EA
Energy Hook Happion Labs
forma.8 MixedBag
Foul Play Media Tonic
Hohokum SCE
Home Benjamin Rivers Inc.
Hotline Miami Devolver Digital
Legend of Raven Nicalis
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Mad Max Warner Bros.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Warner Bros.
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N++ Metanet Software
NBA 2K15 2K
Nuclear Throne Vlambeer
The Order: 1886 SCE
Pier Solar and the Great Architects Watermelon Games
Planetside 2 SOE
Putty Squad Maximum Games
Road Not Taken Spry Fox
Rogue Legacy Cellar Door Games
Samurai Gunn Teknopants/Maxistentialism
Savant Ascent D-Pad Studio
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero WayForward
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments Frogwares
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Super Exploding Zoo Honeyslug
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The Crew Ubisoft
Tom Clancy’s The Division Ubisoft
Transistor Supergiant Games
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