*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

10 Aug 2006
TOR is the onion network, The Silk Road, that type of thing, most plebs call it the darknet, the people on there and run the websites tend to be real deal when it comes to hacking and high level security. TOR itself was created by a team of experts in the security field to hide their movements from the FBI etc.

Well it will be interesting to see how it plays out then.
19 Oct 2002
I don't understand how these people never get caught, hopefully they will this time as I can't see many judges taking kindly to people who target kids at Christmas.
10 Aug 2006
Website doesn't load for me, just get the Site unavailable message, bit annoying as i was doing the Ubisoft 15days of Xmas thing and you need to sign in with the PSN account :/
19 Apr 2004
Sony are a flippin HUGE company! - whilst not on the scale of Google they are definately a large company which SHOULD have the resources to deal with a problem of this large a scale.

I bet DDOS attacks ended yesterday and this is just now a failing of the crappy infrastructure having to take the extra load of the new xmas players.

If it was DDOS attackers - im pretty sure they would have been quick to place the blame elsewhere instead of not releasing anything to the public like they are doing now.

Either way - its appalling that they are no able to cope in this day and age of the interwebz. Heads should roll.

What do you mean "if it was DDOS attackers"? Have you actually been following any of this? Do you understand anything about the nature of these attacks?
13 Aug 2008
Sony are a flippin HUGE company! - whilst not on the scale of Google they are definately a large company which SHOULD have the resources to deal with a problem of this large a scale.

I bet DDOS attacks ended yesterday and this is just now a failing of the crappy infrastructure having to take the extra load of the new xmas players.

If it was DDOS attackers - im pretty sure they would have been quick to place the blame elsewhere instead of not releasing anything to the public like they are doing now.

Either way - its appalling that they are no able to cope in this day and age of the interwebz. Heads should roll.

Maybe have a read up on DDoS and why its next to impossible to prevent so you don't look completely clueless.

It takes advantage of a core weakness that is needed for the entire internet to work, the only way to stop it is to redesign the internet which was created in the 70's and then persuade everybody in the world to change their equipment to be compatible with the new internet you have designed.

Crack on, and good luck.

The reason Google is not effected as much is because people only connect for a very short time, people get their search and they are off the server within seconds or milliseconds.

The likes of Live or PSN need a CONSTANT connection over possibly hours to their clients which is why these DDoS scriptkiddies like to attack them because its much easier to see an effect from their work so they can forget that they are spotty virgins with half a neck beard in their moms basement for a bit.

They picked Christmas because they knew the networks would already be busy so it would require less effort to clog the servers up, and they knew their would be lots of clueless whiners who have no idea what they are talking about quick to blame everyone else other than the sad little gits who are doing this.

The Botnets these guys are renting very cheaply are the legacy of years of MS OS's that were embarrassingly insecure and have unsuspecting owners getting used as zombies PC's. It must wind the MS management up that its their crap OS's bringing their own servers down.

I don't understand how these people never get caught, hopefully they will this time as I can't see many judges taking kindly to people who target kids at Christmas.

They rent the Botnets off a third party (The actual hackers who have literally 100's of thousands of slave PC's all over the world.) and then tell that third party just target it at the PSN IP.

They then post on Twitter about how awesome they are whilst hoping their mum doesn't catch them.

People who have no idea what they are talking about them pass comment on it in the news and on forums.
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15 Dec 2004
Hudds, UK
I don't give a flying crud in all honesty dude. But when I pay for a service - it should darn blumin well work - especially when I want to use it.

And then they want us to buy into their 'cloud computing' crap? Streaming games over a service which can't even handle the interwebz, and a simple service like keeping users logged in - pffft.

so come on mr I knowz de interwebz - explain to me why Xbox Live service is back up and running yet PSN is still down? Simple answer is Sony ain't ploughing enough resources into what should be deemed a priority.

11 Mar 2008
Norn Iron
massive attack (not the band :D ) from brazil at the moment, this is quite addictive to watch lol

13 Aug 2008
I don't give a flying crud in all honesty dude. But when I pay for a service - it should darn blumin well work - especially when I want to use it.

And then they want us to buy into their 'cloud computing' crap? Streaming games over a service which can't even handle the interwebz, and a simple service like keeping users logged in - pffft.

so come on mr I knowz de interwebz - explain to me why Xbox Live service is back up and running yet PSN is still down? Simple answer is Sony ain't ploughing enough resources into what should be deemed a priority.


You'd expect not to get blown up at a train station too, but sometimes idiots do blow people up at train stations.

Crap happens.

Also PSN was up last night when live wasn't, but this isn't a contest, these guys had a big botnet which even managed to topple MS's supposed unlimited server farms and easily by all accounts.
30 Apr 2006
I don't understand how these people never get caught, hopefully they will this time as I can't see many judges taking kindly to people who target kids at Christmas.

Script kiddies usually get caught, didn't the bunch of guys you brought PSN down last time all got arrested? One was in the UK was some Autistic kid out in the countryside and the rest from the US and Canada
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