*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Been watching MGS plot videos, might get the HD collection so I can at least play the first in the series by time (snake Eater)
Is it not possible to pause a download on the PS4 like you can on a PS3 ?

As the PS4 only seems to give me an option to delete a download and not just pause it...
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Just as a heads up, since buying the ps4 at launch I've had it vertical without the official stand, obviously this blocks one of the air intakes. Now I have enough space to place it horizontally, the fans are MUCH quieter, I'd definitely recommend doing this, the ps4 is whisper silent now
So everyone getting this E-82204301 error with party? Had a google and nothing official about it other than it seem systemic. I blame the Japanese...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Ps4 gathering dust now, lack of games and media functions is killing it for me now :(

infamous in 20 ish days if thats your cup of tea, but yea bf4 is the main game i play on mine with over 230 hours, i just picked up Tomb Raider DE cheap of mm so that will keep me going, they need to sort the media out soonish still need my ps3 for 3d blurays and plex client
Tomb Raider, Lego, Rayman, BF4, Killzone, MGS, Assassins Creed, FIFA, NFS.

There's plenty of games out there tbh, plus loads coming out within the next month or two.

The trouble is, if you own a PC that can run them, those games can be had for £20-£30 cheaper than on PS4.

Also what games are coming out for PS4 in the couple months apart from Infamous and MGS (and smaller titles like Awesomenauts and Dead Nation - both of which are already out on other platforms)?
Is it not possible to pause a download on the PS4 like you can on a PS3 ?

As the PS4 only seems to give me an option to delete a download and not just pause it...

Yes you can. Go to network settings, then uncheck the box. Go back to downloads and wait for the download to stop, it can take a couple of minutes so be patient. Once stopped you can re check the connect to Internet box and the download will only restart when you tell it to. The data downloaded also is kept so don't worry about losing what you've downloaded to pause.
I freely admit that without bf4 I wouldn't have got the ps4. I might dabble with infamous but really I'm waiting for a killer title, but that's what you get as an early adaptor
Bf4 is pants played it once, got fifa and madden, just bored, hoping for infamous, but it needs more, defo driveclub asap

I have no idea why 3d is taking so damn long, it was just a small bluray update on ps3
Bf4 is pants played it once, got fifa and madden, just bored, hoping for infamous, but it needs more, defo driveclub asap

I have no idea why 3d is taking so damn long, it was just a small bluray update on ps3

Did you actually load the multi player up? I've not even played the single player!
Bluetooth headsets and 3d BR can't come soon enough. No excuse really that these aren't done by now. Would go some way to paper over the lack of games ATM.

Plants vs zombies garden warfare would have done me, this m$ exclusive?
Plants vs zombies garden warfare would have done me, this m$ exclusive?

Not sure if it is MS exclusive, but I agree. It would be nice if a few more games from previous gen came out like Rayman Legends, at a lower price point (£25 - £30)
Seems KZ MP has been outed as not Full HD, but 960x1080 (so technically native 1080p as we were told). Be interesting to see what Guerilla say about this - still trying to work out why it didnt look so poor as I regularly pop on to play the MP. Noticed the overall blur/softness and the frame drop when it got really shooty but nothing really beyond that! :eek:
Not sure if it is MS exclusive, but I agree. It would be nice if a few more games from previous gen came out like Rayman Legends, at a lower price point (£25 - £30)
Pretty sure PvZ is a timed exclusive, reason I say that is that a PS4 version been rated somewhere. Nothing official yet though...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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