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Seriously considering buying a Vita after loving the PS4. Has anyone been in a similar position and how how you found it? Persona 4 Golden is the main draw along with the Final Fantasy 10 Hi-Def re-release coming out later this year. I don't do much traveling but I love RPG's so this might be a good fit.
Seriously considering buying a Vita after loving the PS4. Has anyone been in a similar position and how how you found it? Persona 4 Golden is the main draw along with the Final Fantasy 10 Hi-Def re-release coming out later this year. I don't do much traveling but I love RPG's so this might be a good fit.

unless you want to game a lot on the go don't bother.

when i had a PSP it mainly just sat in the cupboard since the ps2/ps3 was there to play with.

i was toying with the idea of a vita since inow have a huge vita catalogue thanks to ps plus but i honestly would never play it so i decided against it.
Yeah fair points, I guess it comes down to how good the RPG's are for it and if they can rival the bigger game experiences on the PS4 (Lets face it though RPG's on the main consoles have been lacking for a long time IMO). I've never played the God of War games either and noticed a collection is coming out for that as well. At 150 with a 16gb memory card and a selection of games.. its tempting albeit a gamble on how much I'd use it.
I got one purely for RPG's and classics as I have no PS3. It gets more use than my PS4. Played Persona (hated it) and also got Y's, plenty of good RPG's on the horizon so if that's your thing it's well worth it.
I played Virtua Tennis 4 on my Vita for probably over 40 hours. Completed it on every difficulty multiple times :D became somewhat of an obsession.

But yes get a Vita to make the most of PS Plus while there aren't that many PS4 games around
Going to send back the Astro Mixamp. Really don't like the Dolby Headphone bit, sounds better in good old stereo so may as well just use the amp/DAC I ordered.
Fancy keeping it a few days and writing up a review? Would help me out! £100+ for a DSP is a lot to spend!

ps3ud0 :cool:
I'm not really qualified to write a review. All I can say is that when playing Tomb Raider, if I stand in the same place and toggle between the modes, without Dolby ALWAYS sounds better. Thing is, the amp is pretty good value for money when you look at it.
I'd imagine on a competitive FPS game the Dolby would come into its own but certainly for the games I play it doesn't. It allows me to use a mic too if wanted in future so really as a decent all in one solution.
Nothing. I said it sounded better off. Maybe it's game dependent but I doubt it. PS3UDO it's worth a try as you get 30 days to sent it back if you just don't like it. I'm coming round a bit to how good value it is.
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Did you order just the mixamp or the audio system with headset?

I'd say you haven't set it up properly if you can't hear any difference and stereo sounds better.

Especially in Tomb Raider.
Did you order just the mixamp or the audio system with headset?

I'd say you haven't set it up properly if you can't hear any difference and stereo sounds better.

Especially in Tomb Raider.

No I bought some good headphones. I can hear a difference, the difference being that Dolby Headphone makes the sound worse. I don't know how to describe it but it loses detail really, it's so so much better with stereo. I got my GF to tell me which sounded better without any extra info and she said stereo every time. After doing some research it seems I'm not alone on this one, the people who seem mainly pro Dolby Surround are competitive FPS gamers.
where is the LCPM signal coming from though? Is it stored on the discs as LCPM, does the PS4 generate it, or is it stored on the discs as lossless or lossy compressed?
No I bought some good headphones. I can hear a difference, the difference being that Dolby Headphone makes the sound worse. I don't know how to describe it but it loses detail really, it's so so much better with stereo. I got my GF to tell me which sounded better without any extra info and she said stereo every time. After doing some research it seems I'm not alone on this one, the people who seem mainly pro Dolby Surround are competitive FPS gamers.

Very interesting, I have read some opinions that the new mixamp is not as good as the old one so maybe that's something to do with it.

I admit I play a lot of FPS games through mine and the sound is a million times better for me, but just recently going from stereo to Dolby Digital on my xbox one the sound is night and day better on Dolby Digital vs stereo.

I have tried it on my PS4 once also for Outlast and it sounded fantastic too, I take it you configured it all correctly on the PS4?
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