Poll: *The Official PlayStation 5 (PS5) Thread*

Which PS5 Version will you likely buy?

  • Digital Only Version

    Votes: 173 16.3%
  • UHD Optical Version

    Votes: 662 62.3%
  • Unlikely to buy either

    Votes: 228 21.4%

  • Total voters
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Definitely getting the digital version. Having physical media just bugs me these days. No need for it for games, movies I understand as you can’t beat the quality of a 4K disc, but games...no need for physical media. Granted not everyone has a one gig connection, so I’m lucky in that sense, but gaming needs to ditch physical media ASAP so I’m glad they’ve at least embraced it enough to release a digital only version



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Definitely getting the digital version. Having physical media just bugs me these days. No need for it for games, movies I understand as you can’t beat the quality of a 4K disc, but games...no need for physical media. Granted not everyone has a one gig connection, so I’m lucky in that sense, but gaming needs to ditch physical media ASAP so I’m glad they’ve at least embraced it enough to release a digital only version
I hope not. I hate the idea of buying a game on release and being lumbered with it after completing it in a week or two where I can sell the disc and recover 80-90% of my money back.

Usually £10 loss at most. Waiting for a price drop would mean about 2-3 years after release maybe longer for it to drop to £10.

I don’t want a collection of digital console games that may not work in a future console either.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
Actually I think gaming needs to give people the choice, not enforce one way or the other.

I hope not. I hate the idea of buying a game on release and being lumbered with it after completing it in a week or two where I can sell the disc and recover 80-90% of my money back.

Usually £10 loss at most. Waiting for a price drop would mean about 2-3 years after release maybe longer for it to drop to £10.

I don’t want a collection of digital console games that may not work in a future console either.

Exactly this, I'm not paying £40+ to basically rent a game. Defies all logic. I see the appeal for digital from a convenience point of view for sure but for me it doesn't make up for the dead money.
I'd welcome a mixture of the two say something like game pass and then I'd buy physical releases for games not on it that I wanted. I don't think I've replayed a game in the last 10 years outside of SNES ones.
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17 Feb 2006
I hope not. I hate the idea of buying a game on release and being lumbered with it after completing it in a week or two where I can sell the disc and recover 80-90% of my money back.

Usually £10 loss at most. Waiting for a price drop would mean about 2-3 years after release maybe longer for it to drop to £10.

I don’t want a collection of digital console games that may not work in a future console either.
Yeah. The disc edition isn't about the technology, or the speed of your broadband (you'll be downloading gigs worth of patches anyhow..)

It's about the cost of the games and the complete absence of a 2nd hand market with digital.

Digital-only would see many of us needing to wait patiently for sales. And, frankly, with no 2nd hand market OR grey market to compete with, sales/discounts might go the way of the dodo too.

You'll basically have a choice between paying the "walled garden" store prices, or nothing. £60 a game and no re-sale value? Yeah, I'll pass.

Oh, and you'll no doubt have to re-buy all the PS4 games again on the PS5 store. Too bad, suckers :p
19 Jun 2012
Actually I think gaming needs to give people the choice, not enforce one way or the other.

I agree. Ultimately the more accessible gaming is, the better.

I'm old enough to remember when gaming was viewed as a kids hobby, back before it was mainstream. Indeed, back then, admitting you were a gamer was to invite ridicule as someone who was somehow deficient.

Whatever my feelings are on digital vs disc based gaming, I feel that more choice and more accessibility is better for gamers. No matter how we consume - the more people enjoying gaming the better.
17 Feb 2006
As for selling discs, think of the poor developers who don’t see a penny of that money. :(
I think that's too simplistic.

Re-sale means the chap selling the game has a bit more cash that they might use to buy another game full price.

Compare that with no re-sale, and the chap buying far fewer games, or waiting for sales every time.

You make it sound like the choice is between devs getting paid or not getting paid at all - the reality is, economics is much more complicated :p



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I think BC is almost guaranteed going forward with peoples digital collections. As for selling discs, think of the poor developers who don’t see a penny of that money. :(
I am not bothered about that. If the game is good it will be profitable, simple. I would rather things stay as is and we have choice, rather than developers raking it in at our expense in a walled garden!
28 Oct 2003
Well, I do see your points. But I think you are going to have to lump it next, next gen. I think with PS5 having a digital edition now, there is likely to be no disc version for PS6. And PS7 will be entirely cloud based.



22 Nov 2005
Well, I do see your points. But I think you are going to have to lump it next, next gen. I think with PS5 having a digital edition now, there is likely to be no disc version for PS6. And PS7 will be entirely cloud based.

I’m not so sure. By the time the PS6 comes out they will probably have an 8K drive and most of the worlds network infrastructure won’t be ready for that being digital only due to the massive file sizes required.

I’ve put off buying a 4K UHD player and waited for the PS5, I doubt I’m the only one that has.

Hell, my first foray into Blu-ray was with the PS3, again, I don’t think I was alone in that either.

Digital is great, but for some the physical drive isn’t just for the games.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
I enjoyed the original R&C games and never got on with the newer ones as despite looking nice, I always thought they felt off. I've just read the older ones were 60fps and newer 30 including the PS5 one. So that explains it.
I do wonder if I've been playing higher fps now to the point I notice lower ones more but then I've enjoyed plenty of 30 fps games in the past.
It would be nice to have the option to turn down some visuals for the 60 but not going to happen on that title.
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2 Jan 2011
Anyone else annoyed with no official price announcement? Sony are keeping the prices of their next generation consoles so secret that you will buy one and still won’t know how much it set you back. You will have to check your bank statement to find out. They’ll make you enter your pin blindfolded when you pay for it and the receipt will be redacted.
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