I buy both but I always want to have the option to buy physical, have got and traded so many games like that for cheap and it works out much better than just going 100% digital and wasting money on stuff you're never going to play again.
When I bought my PS5, I grabbed Returnal, GoT and DeS for cheaper than just one of them was going for on the store.
It's much different on PC where you have better discounts, multiple stores and key sites. Here, Sony have a monopoly on it and it shows.
On Steam I can buy a game, try it out for 2h and refund it if I don't like it/run into problems. Here? Good luck. You launched it, you're stuck with it.
I'm the same really. I very rarely revisit a game. So for any kind of story driven single-player game I would choose physical every time. Obviously I can't on PC which is why I basically just wait until they are cheap.
As with most things in life, it's nice to have the choice either way.
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