I will quote Andrea Pessino
Dollar bet: within a year from its launch gamers will fully appreciate that the PlayStation 5 is one of the most revolutionary, inspired home consoles ever designed, and will feel silly for having spent energy arguing about "teraflops" and other similarly misunderstood specs.
But how can an SSD physically contribute to improved levels of detail - it simply by nature cant? It doesn't process/render anything only provides fast(er) ways of retrieving things that have been processed/rendered elsewhere by either the CPU/GPU so that is an incredibly poorly worded statement.
Because currently we expect the CPU/GPU do the whole job and the developers make games for HDD and lemon systems. Don't forget PC just moved from dual core specs just in 2019! Still all can run on HDDs so all games are coded in certain way.
What PS5 does is use the NVME speed, to push already constructed objects to the RAM and the GPU/CPU will just add the "cherries on the top".
(just to make it more simple)
That is why PS5 is revolutionary in this aspect and wrote is "proper console" pushing boundaries.
No developer is expected to force it's customer use M.2 nvme on PC to make a better optimized game. Straight that way lost 90% of it's customer base.
That is not the case for the PS5.
Same applies on the PC performance. We still use archaic DX11 & DX12 with a lot of overheads and whole Windows (7/8/10) on top. Those things do not exist in the PS5, which is having a tiny stream lined OS and all games will be coded to that specific hardware.
Which is why wrote MS went the other way creating a "cheap PC". Because it will use the Xbox platform to push it's store on PC with games available on both Console & PC without changing (aka porting). We already see it with games that run with the native XBX client these days. No further job needed. Same will happen with the new XBX, as there won't require any job to be "ported" since all will be using the unified DX12.1/DXR1.1 API.
Ofc that means needs a far more powerful system than what SONY does to do the same job.
We need to look at the bigger picture here.