I picked up the ps5 on Monday. Fully intending to finish days gone in ps4 first however I’m impatient and just opened it and want to fire it up. Will it transfer my saved game data like the Xbox does? I was a paid up plus member until I cancelEd my sub about a year ago.
Also for those with both a 5 and a series x, is there any noticeable differences between them when playing the same game or is it just a preference of which controller you prefer? I have RDR2 on ps4 and Xbox. Never got very far through it and intend to start again. just wondering which console it runs best on. Was stunning on the x.
Also for those with both a 5 and a series x, is there any noticeable differences between them when playing the same game or is it just a preference of which controller you prefer? I have RDR2 on ps4 and Xbox. Never got very far through it and intend to start again. just wondering which console it runs best on. Was stunning on the x.