Psycho Sonny
What would be gaming for positional sense out of the 598 or 650's?
My 555's are falling apart currently, trying to get Sennheiser to to an out of warranty repair but not getting to far. So i need a replacement and have chosen between them two. I'm not against others just love the sound of my 555's and want something the same or better.
AKG 702 with a cheapish Amp any good either?
for gaming AKG K702 is like an end game setup you don't get any better you need a mixamp though to enjoy the best in gaming sound unless you want to buy a creative audio x7 (ridiculous money).
for the money though the best bang for buck is HD518's or HD 558's.
why? they have the same drivers as the 598's, in fact the only difference is that 558's have foam on them and are black as opposed to cream and brown. remove the foam and you have 598's for cheaper. the 518's are much more modified they have different grills, etc. they are restricted to sound worse due to being muffled but stil very good for the money.
however the build quality just isn't there imo on the 5XX range from sennheiser i own 558's and i think the cable is the weak point. if it had a removeable cable i'd love it. the fact it doesn't means if you have an issue with the cable your screwed.
i would give the 558 a 8/10 and the k702 a 9.9/10.
i also own akg q701's which are basically a modded k702. i also own hd600's and hd700's as well as DT770's.
the dt770's are a must own if you need closed headphones however they are probably a 7/10 due to not having that wide soundstage that open headphones do. the hd700 is sennheisers best when it comes to gaming but it's only marginally better than a hd558 with foam removed.
i would rate the regular stuff people buy as below 5/10 from turtlebeach etc. it's cheap tat made to look good. i could show you a pair of headphones for £15 that would sound as good or even better. koss porta pros or koss ksc75's.
another option is HyperX Cloud II Headset it's ridiculously good for the money and has a mic attached but nothing really compares to a mixamp plus akg's it's simply is end game.
i day to day use hd558's but I'm going to start using my q701's more.