The official PS4 Headset/Headphones Guide/Discussion

Not exactly an audiophile but quite happy with my Official Sony 2.0 wireless headset.

Like the convenience of a plug and play headset and even happier it works great with my PC for the odd conference call lol.

Not bad for £60.
Well I had my monoprice cans delivered today thanks to Amazon Sunday deliveries (!) First impression, they are very shiny, maybe on the tacky side. I've only plugged them into the PS4 remote and the sound is great on just that! The pack comes with a plethora of cables and the decoder box. I haven't set any of that up yet though. I'd assume I would have to wire the optical cable and USB into the PS4 and decoder and remained "wired" during play? No idea what I'm doing to be honest, as the instructions provided cover PS3, not PS4.

For the money though, I'm impressed. You get a lot for your money and they sound good!

what are the PS3 instructions? if they use USB (for ps3 setup) you are sorted tbh as I could easily tell you how to set them up (settings wise on the PS4).

you definitely want to use the optical able though if you want the best sound quality but you also have to use the correct settings for that, my mixamp for example will only accept a bitstream dolby feed and neither of the other 2 options will work (no sound).

have you tested the mic out? to do that all you need to do pretend your going to send a message to someone (online or offline) then go to attach voice message. record a 15 second clip of yourself talking, which you can then play back to yourself afterwards, this then shows you the quality of the microphone and how clear it is. you can then delete it afterwards so don't worry about sending stupid messages to someone by accident, just delete/cancel everything and don't hit send.

if there is no USB cable in the PS3 setup then you can set it up pretending your using a 360 but then you would need to buy chat cable off ebay for £4.99.

i tried everywhere to identify the headphones and they look very similar to a pair of Monster headphones (the company which makes Beats by Dre). I cannot say for sure they are the exact same one but they look very similar in design.

I thought they were wireless but looks like they are wired only, I wasn't planning on buying them but spotted them whilst researching on head fi.

I assumed the decoder box was also a transmitter but looks like it's just a decoder.
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Decided to cancel my order for the official sony 2.0 headset after doing a little research (thanks to psycho Sonny) and went for the Monoprice ones instead, £62.50 off Amazon seems a steal, looking forward to trying them out
Decided to cancel my order for the official sony 2.0 headset after doing a little research (thanks to psycho Sonny) and went for the Monoprice ones instead, £62.50 off Amazon seems a steal, looking forward to trying them out

they aren't wireless (I thought they were, well I was sure that I read they were somewhere but looks like I got that wrong)
they aren't wireless (I thought they were, well I was sure that I read they were somewhere but looks like I got that wrong)

I was under the impression they where as well but now I've found out it's too late to cancel order! I don't want wires trailing across the floor so I'll have too see what happens, I blame this all on you Psycho Sonny lol joke
I was under the impression they where as well but now I've found out it's too late to cancel order! I don't want wires trailing across the floor so I'll have too see what happens, I blame this all on you Psycho Sonny lol joke

my bad lol

refuse delivery and send back under DSR. for the money though it would be hard to find something better wired anyway.

my wireless setup also has a crap load of wires and I'm not happy with the wires, the sound and level of control however is EPIC.

chat cable from DS4 to Mixamp Receiver, then wire from headset to belkin which has a wire into the receiver and another for the headphones.

i can clip the receiver onto a belt buckle or stick it on my pocket though or place it beside me (so no wires across the room) but it is a very untidy setup.

the chat cable is what is ruining it for me personally. if i can remove that one cable, it will be 10 times better but I will need a PS4 firmware update which allows chat audio to go through TOSLINK and mic chat to go through USB to 3.5mm in order for it to work.
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Is there any fully wireless options out there that support 7.1 or 5.1 though? (ones that work with PS4 that is!)
Is there any fully wireless options out there that support 7.1 or 5.1 though? (ones that work with PS4 that is!)

Mine is fully wireless in a sense that i have no wires going from me or the controller to the console. It also supports 5.1.

I have a transmitter which has toslink connected to it.

I have a receiver which has my headset and controller connected to it.

Total cost = Mixamp 5.8 (£80ish second hand) + Headphones (£27) + Mic (£3 from DX) + chat cable (£5) = £115 for really good quality surround sound and headphones setup.

You could also buy a ear force px4 for around £130, it will have less wires but not sound as good as the £110 setup above.

So you have to make a compromise somewhere, the PS4 is poorly designed when it comes to connectivity of headsets.

Where do you want to compromise? Price, Wires, Sound Quality?

I'm thinking of just ditching the one headset setup and using the supplied earpiece inside my headphones. That way I can get rid of a cable and the belkin mic, two things which currently annoy me.

So Mixamp 5.8 + Headphones for surround sound + free sony earpiece for voice chat.

I'm thinking this is the best solution, as it's just a PITA with the chat cable and separate mic situation unless I had opted to go high end and get X1's or 558 or 598's with V Moda Boom Pro Mic but thats like £160-£220 just for the headset part and still requires the stupid chat cable.

I've decided to punt the belkin mic on, it's very good quality but a PITA to use for me. I'll keep the chat cable for now in case I change my mind and want to go crazy in a couple of years time on some 598's or X1's and get a V Moda Boom Pro Mic for the ultimate setup.
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I discovered last night that the PS4 supports the blue yeti USB mic :) It goes into the PS4 via USB and is recognised as a mic. You can then plug headphones into the blue yeti (instead of DS4) and use its in built amp to boost the volume considerably. Awesome!
I discovered last night that the PS4 supports the blue yeti USB mic :) It goes into the PS4 via USB and is recognised as a mic. You can then plug headphones into the blue yeti (instead of DS4) and use its in built amp to boost the volume considerably. Awesome!

Great if your looking for a wired, stereo setup. Most aren't though, you could just buy a £10 USB headset for that though.

USB sound is probably a step up from the DS4 but again I imagine terrible compared to using TOSLINK and a DAC even if converted down to stereo.

Most people want wireless, emulated surround sound and a mic, it's very hard to get all of that for cheap whilst maintaining very high levels of sound quality.

I've now decided to use my wireless MIXAMP as basically a wireless DAC/AMP for game sounds only. Plug in the little earpiece into the controller for when I need voice chat.

The PS4 just sucks for connectivity, USB and the DS4 are crap for in game sound but good for voice chat sound.
Sent you an email dude, basically connect it up as you would per the PS3.

Apart from you will need to fiddle with the options in the PS4 settings to get it right.

Headset settings you want to set to voice chat only. Sound settings you want to set to optical out and dolby digital or whatever your decoder can decode. PCM is the best quality but likely it won't be able to decode that but give it a go and see.

Headset should work fine with no issues and no requirement for the chat cable since it has a USB input.
I am using XP500s with my ps4 got them 2nd hand from here

sound fantastic !! wireless and Dolby surround sound
I can't get the mic to work with the monoprice set. I have the headset wired to the decoder and the mic cable plugged into the xbox live port on the headset line in box to the control pad. Just doesn't work though. Tempted to return them and buy a wireless dolby set now.
I am using XP500s with my ps4 got them 2nd hand from here

sound fantastic !! wireless and Dolby surround sound

Are they truely wireless or do you have to connect a cable to the pad to get mic?
I can't get the mic to work with the monoprice set. I have the headset wired to the decoder and the mic cable plugged into the xbox live port on the headset line in box to the control pad. Just doesn't work though. Tempted to return them and buy a wireless dolby set now.

Are they truely wireless or do you have to connect a cable to the pad to get mic?

unfortunately you need a cable to the pad . Only when you want to talk to people though lol..
I don't think any of the headsets can do it completely wireless yet. Wonder if Sony will update the system so it can. Can I just confirm, you get 5.1 digital surround + mic use yes? Do those cans charge on the docking station?
Captain planet you cannot use the 360 cable with a dualshock 4 pad if you want to do it that way you need to use the turtle beach chat cable.

The DS4 has a very specific type of output it needs a TRSS type cable with 3 bits on the 3.5mm jack.

If you look at the turtlebeach chat cable it has 3 bits on one end but only 2 on the other. The TRSS end goes into the DS4 and the normal end goes into your decoder.

I would forget that option though and use the USB cable that comes with the headset (PS3 cable). That should work a lot better and leaves your DS4 completely wireless (a much better solution than having a cable plugged into it).

The PS4 is just crap when it comes to connectivity. I have just bought another cable for £8 which may or may not work but it will stop me from using any cables to the DS4.
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