The official PS4 Headset/Headphones Guide/Discussion

I sold out :( I returned the Monoprice headset and bought some 2nd hand PX4! The wireless and ease was important enough to compromise the sound. Don't get me wrong, the sound is great from the PX4, however, the monoprice set were much clearer, much more defined. Until I can afford a set of decent wireless (that also have Sony support) these will do me :)

Haha me too, my monoprice got delivered to work yesterday but I rejected them and sent them back to the jungle, I very nearly kept them but I just can't be bothered with all the wires etc I just want a half decent set of wireless, plug & play setup for when I can't blast out the surround sound, think I'll wait for the official sony ones to come back in stock
I sold out :( I returned the Monoprice headset and bought some 2nd hand PX4! The wireless and ease was important enough to compromise the sound. Don't get me wrong, the sound is great from the PX4, however, the monoprice set were much clearer, much more defined. Until I can afford a set of decent wireless (that also have Sony support) these will do me :)

are they good enough for PS3/PS4?

how are they charged?
One excellent headphone I enjoyed for gaming was my Shure 1540. The DT770 was my previous closed favourite due to its hefty bass and spacious soundstage. My Shure does all that with beautifully made organic minds, large but controlled bass response and more balanced sound.

My AD700 is a competitive beast that stage in Dolby is truly something. Big shout out to the MA900!
Hi All, does anyone know if the PS4 had had an update to allow the Official Sony Stereo Headset to work? I did notice that there is a new version for the PS4 so I REALLY hope they don't screw us and say I will have to buy a new set at £80 when I buy the PS4...
are they good enough for PS3/PS4?

how are they charged?

I can't complain. If you are an audiophile, you will pick fault, and for full price I think they are over priced. But if you can get some second hand cheap like I did, they are a good compromise if you want simplicity. They work fine with PS4 although they are not Bluetooth supported yet (like all other third party headsets at the moment) so that means if you want to use the mic you have to plug the jack cable in from the headphones to your DS4, but I don't find that to be any bother.

They charge via mini usb, and they can charge whilst in use. So I just plug mine into my mobile phone charger when they run low :) If you want simplicity out-of-the box heaset, get them. If you want clearer sound quality, but don't mind the extra wires and setup, you can get something mentioned above. The other option is fork out a lot of money on a pro gamin headset (which might be seen as a waste of money...)
Im after a headset for the PS4 that is wireless, ive seen the official sony 2.0 headset and the pulse that are both plug and play but the 2.0 seems to be very low stock currently and i read a lot of reviews saying the pulse are very tight, i dont like very tight headphones for any period of time.

i currently just plug in a pair of sennheiser HD201 into the controller and they work well enough for late night sessions and definatly better then the TV for sound quality at low volume but i would like a bit more 'oomph' then the HD201's

i have just purchased a set of Sennheiser CX475's for the gym so may give them a go first as they seem to be able to manage higher volumes a bit better

if they are ok i may just get a mic splitter and use the PS4 mic as its not that often i use the mic its just handy to have in a headset.

any other good wireless headsets worth looking into i.e the PX4 mentioned above, tritton 720s??
the problem with the PS4 is if you don't have a mixamp (which costs £60-£120 on it's own) the only way to get a decent headset is to have a USB one.

the skullcandy slyr £30 and sennheiser range £100+ for any of the decent ones are the only decent usb ones.

the problem you then have is that USB only does stereo sound so no surround sound.

plugging into the controller is not an option the sound quality is awful.

so to sum up:

Best Rig:

MIXAMP (£60-£120) + Headphones (£30-£200) + DX Clip on Mic (£1.56)

so if you don't have the money for a mixamp and headphones, get a skullcandy slyr and start saving your pennies
That is the compromise. Do you want best sound quality or no wires (or pay an extortionate amount of money and get a little less than best SQ with no wires for something like astros .)

FYI I went with no wires on a cheap set :p
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but they're not wireless :(

you cannot get cheap + wireless + the best available sound quality all at the same time, it's impossible. you have to compromise somewhere or maybe all of them.

if you want wireless the only option is to buy a second hand 5.8 mixamp for £70-£80 if your after sound quality, nothing else is worth looking into if you value sound quality.

then after that you need to buy a astro PC headphone splitter (£7-£8) then a DX mic (£1.56) then a pair of headphones where the cost can be £20-£200 depending on how much you value sound quality.

so you could get a good setup for £100, i'll even link all the products you need to buy but this is the cheapest wireless setup i can recommend.

these are the best gaming headphones under £20

this is the splitter you need

this is the mic you need

this is the mixamp you need

he's also selling a headset with it, so you could just use that instead of all the above, but with the above it's easily upgradeable all you do is sell your headphones and buy more expensive ones.

that way you can go from £20 headphones to £50 ones to £100 ones to £150 ones then £200 ones.

a £50 pair of headphones would be comparable to a £100+ gaming headset.

headsets aren't designed with sound quality in mind, it's all about looks, crazy decals/designs and bright colours, etc over pure sound quality.

so me personally i would forget the cheap koss's buy the ebay setup, then sell the included headset on it's own, probably get £30 for it. then put the £20 you would have spent on the koss's together with the money from the headset and buy CAL's (Creative Aurvana Live) for £50.
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PX4 shipped to me for 70 quid, used a little, worthy?

gaming headsets are usually terrible no matter how expensive they are, the only exceptions seems to be the sennheiser range.

most gamers though don't know what real audiophile quality is though.

are they good enough for most gamers yeah probably, to an audiophile though they will sound like £10-£20 headphones at best.

I wish I could show you HD 595's running through a mixamp on a console (my current setup) it would blow your mind and pee's all over the £300 A50 system and cost half the price.
My PC headphones just bombed out on me - and just days before Dark Souls 2 arrives!!

You seem to be the man in the know on this, Sonny. I don't like the idea of a separate mic, although the ones you can attach to an existing headset look decent - what would you get for a £60-80 budget for PC and PS4 gaming?
but your setup is 5.1 DD feel?

the signal fed to my mixamp is 5.1 dolby digital but ultimately the signal sent to the headphones will be stereo as that is what all headphones use in the end so it's mimicking surround sound. I have an option to turn surround off and use pure stereo also if need be

you clearly have not read the link in the OP, I suggest you do so.

read that

My PC headphones just bombed out on me - and just days before Dark Souls 2 arrives!!

You seem to be the man in the know on this, Sonny. I don't like the idea of a separate mic, although the ones you can attach to an existing headset look decent - what would you get for a £60-80 budget for PC and PS4 gaming?

I take it you already own a mixamp for the PS4?

otherwise £60-80 would normally be enough for headphones + mic but it's simply not enough if you need a mixamp on top.

for that budget it's a choice between

Creative Aurvana Live Headphones which are <£52 on amazon (probably around £45 if you use flubit, if you need a flubit account trust message me and i'll get an invite sent to you)


Sennheiser HD 595 second hand from ebay (item numbers: 301160004371, 161283297632, 221425917767 or 111334389327)

I have the HD 595 myself it's the superior headphone, far more comfortable, brilliant open set and made by one of the best brands out there in the headphone market.

Unfortunately the built in mic (v moda boom pro) is not compatible with either. You can either buy a clip on mic

or a mod mic which you need to super glue a magnet onto the headphone itself then the mic attaches to the magnet

i personally use the dx clip on mic and do not be put off by it's price for £1.56 it's cheap because it's coming direct from china, you could easily sell it on amazon for £10, I then clip it directly to my headphone wire and let it hang off that.

the nicest setup is the mod mic but you pay a premium for it and it is fiddly with the fact you need to glue a small magnet to your headphones.

What sound card do you use with your PC? Because you will need to buy this

if you want to use the HD 595's as they open up with an amp which that sound card has built in.

but the more expensive the dac/amp the better the sound quality usually so you could opt for the more expensive versions or look into specialised dac/amps which start at around £70 and go into the many hundreds of pounds and then into the thousands obviously those are audiophile levels of setup, I personally have that £20 sound card atm.
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Top End

Mixamp - ANY (will need a long toslink cable with 2011 version as well as ps4 chat cable from turtle beach for all MIXAMPS but the 2013 version)
Headphones - Philips Fidelio X1
Mic - V Moda Boom Pro

This is probably the most straight forward and best setup you can get for the money, your talking £250-£300 for everything. Make sure you research the mixamps to know how they all work (they are all completely different and therefore set up different with different lengths of cable, etc required as well as different types of mics, etc).


Any ideas where to pick up the V Moda Boom Pro mic in the UK? Struggling to find one....

Failing that, any other recommendations?

Any ideas where to pick up the V Moda Boom Pro mic in the UK? Struggling to find one....

Failing that, any other recommendations?

Nothing which is as good at doing exactly the same thing.

You need to import it from America.

Amazon is your best bet.

Maybe try second hand on eBay, but I doubt you will find one.

Maybe ask in sound city part of forums.
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