but your setup is 5.1 DD feel?
the signal fed to my mixamp is 5.1 dolby digital but ultimately the signal sent to the headphones will be stereo as that is what all headphones use in the end so it's mimicking surround sound. I have an option to turn surround off and use pure stereo also if need be
you clearly have not read the link in the OP, I suggest you do so.
read that
My PC headphones just bombed out on me - and just days before Dark Souls 2 arrives!!
You seem to be the man in the know on this, Sonny. I don't like the idea of a separate mic, although the ones you can attach to an existing headset look decent - what would you get for a £60-80 budget for PC and PS4 gaming?
I take it you already own a mixamp for the PS4?
otherwise £60-80 would normally be enough for headphones + mic but it's simply not enough if you need a mixamp on top.
for that budget it's a choice between
Creative Aurvana Live Headphones which are <£52 on amazon (probably around £45 if you use flubit, if you need a flubit account trust message me and i'll get an invite sent to you)
Sennheiser HD 595 second hand from ebay (item numbers: 301160004371, 161283297632, 221425917767 or 111334389327)
I have the HD 595 myself it's the superior headphone, far more comfortable, brilliant open set and made by one of the best brands out there in the headphone market.
Unfortunately the built in mic (v moda boom pro) is not compatible with either. You can either buy a clip on mic
or a mod mic which you need to super glue a magnet onto the headphone itself then the mic attaches to the magnet
i personally use the dx clip on mic and do not be put off by it's price for £1.56 it's cheap because it's coming direct from china, you could easily sell it on amazon for £10, I then clip it directly to my headphone wire and let it hang off that.
the nicest setup is the mod mic but you pay a premium for it and it is fiddly with the fact you need to glue a small magnet to your headphones.
What sound card do you use with your PC? Because you will need to buy this
if you want to use the HD 595's as they open up with an amp which that sound card has built in.
but the more expensive the dac/amp the better the sound quality usually so you could opt for the more expensive versions or look into specialised dac/amps which start at around £70 and go into the many hundreds of pounds and then into the thousands obviously those are audiophile levels of setup, I personally have that £20 sound card atm.