Well I managed to get 3.8 stable on small ffts last night for about an hour and a quarter (when I turned it off), but the temps were pretty high. It hit 77 on cores 0 and 1 at times, but settled around 73. I had to put vcore up to 1.45 to hit this clock, from 1.35 on 3.6. Funny thing was that at 9x422, it bluescreened after about 35mins, but at 8x475 it lasted over an hour.
I'm going to try dropping my voltage a lot when i get home, because since the BIOS flashing and CPU re-lapping, i've yet to crash (unless i play with the ram, still a cap of 832mhz). Stable on small FFT's @ 3.4ghz, peaks on hottest core at 71C, anymore and i woulda switched it off. Hard to say where i should stop though, because small FFT's is so completely unrealistic: it's like shooting your car with a tank and saying "hmm, it's still not safe..."
Yes i've said this before, at a lower multi, people say it puts more stress on the system, but it's more stable and requires less voltage. Needs the RAM to do it though, highest FSB i can get is 416fsb, because my ram maxes at 832 @ 1:1.
What was your VID by the way?
With these temps, I'm thinking that either I need to let the as5 settle in more, or or I've got a cpu and/or heatsink that are not flat! I was definitely expecting it to stay cooler with the vcore at 1.45! Well I'll see how it goes at 3.8 over the next few days, and if the temps don't drop I may get a lapping kit. I'm thinking that if I'm stable at 3.8 and 1.45, I may be able to hit 4.0 if I can get the temps under control. Maybe 3.8 will be my limit on air, and I've always been too chicken to go for watercooling.
Yeh heatsinks are often uneven, although it doesn't seem to have made a difference, my CPU was very concave, the edges stuck up a lot, needed lapping, though it appears my heatsink does too now, think it was designed convex (now i think of it, would explain my heat jump, doh!), as is the thermalrite 120, as they know intel mass produce them by the bucketload.
Also, your temps will drop after 200-300hrs uptime (it's important there's sufficient cooldown time within this!), by upto 5C usually. My paste has been on like a day, 2 days at a time tops, so havent checked it out myself, my grease needs about 7 days worth of use before it becomes any good lol, because it's like water.
I was cooler 2 days ago at 1.5v as i am now at 1.4625 volts. Word of warning though. This is Asus: with the worst temp measuring known to man, my last board said i was at 90C idle with my prescott, even though the chip shutsdown at that.