**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

KNiVES said:
I put all settings on max, except static lighting, and the crosshair's disappeared. The round crosshair is there when I'm unarmed, but equipping a pistol or rifle gets rid of it. Crosshair is enabled in the options. Help me? :(
turn off the AA in the menu.
KNiVES said:
I put all settings on max, except static lighting, and the crosshair's disappeared. The round crosshair is there when I'm unarmed, but equipping a pistol or rifle gets rid of it. Crosshair is enabled in the options. Help me? :(

hehe, something i did got rid of it too, the "distance under crosshair" thing works so i use that as a rough guide and now shoot about a cm above the middle of the distance, but in this game you really need to do 95% of shooting in ironsights/scope mode anyway :p
would i be right in saying that stalker runs a server on my computer and the client connects to the server when playing singleplayer? as when you load up your save it says "client synchronising"
i guess this is how they got the "dual-core" aspect by having the server running 1 core with the client on another? if that is the case its pretty crap at it and it was a shoddy idea to do it that way.
KNiVES said:
I put all settings on max, except static lighting, and the crosshair's disappeared. The round crosshair is there when I'm unarmed, but equipping a pistol or rifle gets rid of it. Crosshair is enabled in the options. Help me? :(

The same happened to me. However, when I lowered AA to zero (in game) the crosshair returned. Seems the engine does not enjoy AA at the moment.
Bah, this will be the 3rd time I've restarted my game...first time I played for about 4 hours on veteran difficulty. I was getting owned by pretty much everything and not enjoying it much. So I restarted again on stalker difficulty, got on much better, played for about 8 hours. Now I have to start again! :mad:
Dutch Guy said:
Why is there a flashing floppy on the screen once in a while :confused:
I think it's game loading next sprites, textures and dynamic lighting parameters for elements entering your field of view out of fog...

Flammy said:
Bah, this will be the 3rd time I've restarted my game...first time I played for about 4 hours on veteran difficulty. I was getting owned by pretty much everything and not enjoying it much. So I restarted again on stalker difficulty, got on much better, played for about 8 hours. Now I have to start again!

This patch has relatively little improvements to single player game. It looks like they focused mostly on multiplayer and just tweaked AI a little, enemies still shoot your through walls and vehicles, respawn bugs (such as defense of Garbage happening every time you enter it BEFORE you even get assignment to take part in it) and so on, so forth. Because it seems like developers are unable or are unwilling to patch savegames it means they use some horribly bad method of storing AI progress in save games and with any improvements and future patches you will have to start again, especially if balance, assignment logistics or money valuations are tweaked. This game is one big screw up. Smells of Russian developement. Where was it made, actually?
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LoadsaMoney said:
How about cry when Crysis doesn't appear in 3 days, as its months away yet. :D

Well ive patched mine, luckily id only done a couple of missions so wasnt that far in, only done the flashdrive, and that reprasentative one, i did have a canny amount of ammo, and a few decent wepaons like the machine guns etc... though, and a fair bit of money off trading stuff in, but must be a killer for all those who got pretty far into it, if id been far in id have just carried on unpatched, then maybe when id finished it off, patched it and started again.

Anyone noticed if its running better.

Opps yea sos i meant C&C Tiberium Wars lol was looking at crysis info whilst posting so was slightly sidetracked :P
v0n said:
This patch has relatively little improvements to single player game.
That is not the idea I got after reading the thread to the forum that is linked to.

Money is important after the patch as you can buy stuff and there are people that see an improvement in FPS, also I read that it is possible to sneak now instead of the enemies having supernatural hearing and sight.

I am lucky I haven't had much time to play so have only played for a couple of hours and will try the patch for sure.

This game seems great even on static lighting maxed out. The only problem I have encountered is that the story seems very incoherent. I never feel i know what i have to do, and whenever i get to new situations I find I have no medi kits which requires starting all over again from another save point. Is it just me or is it really hard?! It took me ages of attempts to kill the seven or so baddies on the first mission. I can't recall a game that has been so hardcore from the start! Its cool nonetheless.
Two severe crashes using Vista but i guess thats to be expected...
Dutch Guy said:
also I read that it is possible to sneak now instead of the enemies having supernatural hearing and sight.

Yeah thats true, i used to hide crouched behind a bush when those bandits were heading back to the farm, and they used to spot me easily, even though i wasn't in front of them in their eyeline or anywhere near em, was like how the ****, thats impossible. :D
just played 40-50 mins with the new patch.. runs much better for me, i'm able to run max dynamic light while remaining playable unlike before. also traders sell more items giving a reason to earn money.

so far, so good.
Hector said:
just played 40-50 mins with the new patch.. runs much better for me, i'm able to run max dynamic light while remaining playable unlike before. also traders sell more items giving a reason to earn money.

so far, so good.
Sounds very promising. :)
Actually, I've now had 3 severe crashes using Vista. The game hangs and then my motherboard sings me a nice song which immediately turns off the computer. Will have to wait for a Vista patch for this one.

Brand new vista 32 bit install. Amd 3000+, 1.5 gb ddr400, 6800gs agp.
Im having the most weird problem one of my main concerns is the fact when im playing my fps can drop all of a sudden such as in a new area, so if i pause the game and go into the menu then click options as if i were going to change the settings, then leave everything as it is and click cancel and go back into game my FPS doubles and the game performs as it should on my hardware very odd :confused:.
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