****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Some more updates "Samsung Galaxy S II
First off we have the Galaxy S II, that was showcased feature by feature. One of the most important things is the Super AMOLED Plus display, which is the successor of the groundbreaking screen the Samsung Wave pioneered last year's MWC.

Samsung Galaxy S II new photos
The screen on the Galaxy S II is a 4.3-inch WVGA capacitive unit. Samsung claims that this is the best display technology in the world and surpasses LCD IPS by leaps.
The processor of the Galaxy S II is dual-core and quoted as the most powerful processor in a phone today. It will have great gaming capabilities through an improved GPU. The smartphone uses a Samsung's own Orion system-on-a-chip and yes, it does have 1GB worth of RAM.
The phone is extremely light and thin at just 8.49mm thickness and 116 grams worth of bulk, that's not bad at all, given that the Samsung Galaxy S II has a 1650 mAh battery inside.
1080p video recording and playback have been confirmed just like with the Optimus 2X. The Adobe Flash 10.1 is there to give you the full web-browsing experience.
Finally, the 3-axis Gyroscope and Accelerometer sensors are confirmed as well.
The new UI, or should we say UX (standing for user experience), of the Galaxy S successor looks really interesting and we can't wait to have a hands-on with it. It looks nothing like Android and should be fully customizable. It will feature 4 hubs by Samsung - the Reader, the Game, the Music and the Social ones. In the keynote Samsung showcased them all.
The Reader hub gives you access to Books, Magazines and Newspapers. The Social hub is interesting, though, as it gives you the opportunity to connect to the people in your life via various ways. Mail, chat, video chat, all incorporated into a single app.
Samsung are paying a lot of attention to the security side of things with their new flagship. The main focus is on the things you're now able to do, should you lose your Galaxy S II smartphone. You can remote lock, remote wipe, remotely control your phone - blacklist certain apps you don't want the thieves to have access to. And finally see your device on a map."
the lack of HDMI is a bit dissapointing - not a mssive deal but it should be on this phone. Although the 1GB of RAM and larger battery helps make up for it's omission.
Yup, I said that it got 2.2 in November, however it wasn't a very good build from what I remember and it took a few more updates in order to fix it, plus it was more the fact that Samsung kept saying that it was going to get the official update at the start of September before the desire got it and it got the update long before the GS in the end. Plus 2.2.1 was a pretty important update for some people in order to fix bugs/problems, which needed to be, not something they could just avoid like they do with their big android updates.

Either way, they happened and so comments about Galaxy S not getting updates are wrong.

Lol, I very much doubt that it will get 2.3 now, maybe a few months back when the current mobiles where still pretty popular etc. but not a chance now considering all of the new dual cores coming out as well as the amount of new mobiles that Samsung have brought out (have a look at GSMARENA and see the amount of new mobiles that they have brought out since the GS, most of them are based on the android platform) it will get it through rooting and putting a custom ROM on, but not an official update and if it does, then I will be extremely surprised and I would consider their mobiles a bit more again.

Expect beta gingerbread builds around late March (hence eventually there must be a retail gingerbread build). Samfirmware which releases all these beta builds has said they will come then.

Plus I am not just reading the American blogs, reading everything from every good android based site, which applies to everyone across the world i.e XDA, android forums, samdroid, forums like this etc. plus it has nothing to do with carriers (in most cases) cause if Samsung don't provide the update at all, then no one will get it, granted carriers do add to the delay with updates as they put their crap on etc. and some might not even provide the update, but I have never come across any that haven't especially for here, unless people are on some really crap unknown carrier that I have never heard off.

Samsung provided the update in November. Anyone still waiting is because of carriers (in the UK at least).

Also I am sure that if you simply type in google a number of things related to Samsung android updates you will see a huge majority of people complaining about the updates for nearly all of their mobiles, as well as there being a number of petitions and other things to try and get Samsung to improve there update procedure and actually provide the updates, across a large number of mobile based sites, the main ones being, android forums and XDA etc. Certainly a lot more complaints than HTC, Motorola.

Check the times of these complaints and the US/EU divide. Any Samsung article in blogs is instantly flamed by Americans. Yet to see a European do that.

Just read the comments to articles like this


Earlier articles were much worse, now the Samsung bashing from some Americans has died down.
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Either way, they happened and so comments about Galaxy S not getting updates are wrong.

I never said the GS, didn't get any updates, I said that Samsung don't care about their update procedure/support for all their mobiles, which is true, again look at all their mobiles not just one, which is their top end single core mobile, which will have the better support than their other mobiles.

Expect beta gingerbread builds around late March (hence eventually there must be a retail gingerbread build). Samfirmware which releases all these beta builds has said they will come then.

I'll believe it when it actually gets the update as Samsung have said that certain mobiles will get updates of both 2.1 and 2.2 and guess what, they never did, so if the GS doesn't get 2.3, that means that their top end single core mobile only got the 1 update to 2.2, and with the nexus S being near identical to the GS, it shouldn't be that hard to develop 2.3 for the GS, which won't say much for Samsung if they don't update the GS, also if they do, it will be a rushed attempt no doubt, which means even worse problems/drivers etc.

Samsung provided the update in November. Anyone still waiting is because of carriers (in the UK at least).

I never said that the GS didn't get the update or that I have read of anyone still waiting on the 2.2 update, they got it, but it was a large delay due to Samsung more than the carriers.

Check the times of these complaints and the US/EU divide. Any Samsung article in blogs is instantly flamed by Americans. Yet to see a European do that.

Just read the comments to articles like this


Earlier articles were much worse, now the Samsung bashing from some Americans has died down.

I am aware of the times of the complaints etc. I have seen complaints from everyone all around the world and in fact more so the UK people complaining on carriers like T-mobile, o2, orange etc. But as I said it isn't to do with the carriers as Samsung where late in actually giving a proper update that was fully working.

So, once again I am not talking about the GS, I am talking about all of their mobiles and people from all around the world, not just the Americans complaining about nearly all of Samsungs mobiles not receiving more than 1 update and of course their are some that didn't even get an update.

Plus there have been loads of petitions as well in order to get Samsung to provide the update/improve their support (which will do **** all anyway), and the amount of signatures and comments etc. by people is unbelievable.
1 GB of ram is a good deal in my books. Looks like they have added a flash at last it was a bad move to leave it out of the last Galaxy.

this sounds interesting as well "The new Super AMOLED Plus display is quoted to have an improved response time, reportedly beating LCD IPS technology. The should also reduce power consumption by 18%."
^ The best news about sAMOLED plus?
It features 50% more sub-pixels and no longer uses the pentile matrix layout, they're using regular RBG! :cool: LCD sharpness with OLED blacks/contrast/viewing angles, perfect! :)
The vids are popping up now one of them was trash but this one has gleamed some unique intel. check out the vid at 0.30 this phone even has face unlock recognition ROFL. seesm like you can lock your phone, find it by google maps and even wipe it...smells like HTC sense to me.

Click here for vid
Ill pick one of these up in 6 months or so when they have crashed in price as all Android phones seem to.
Looks good, not due for my upgrade till July though. Will have to keep an eye out on XDA and see which of this years phones gets most devs working on it I think.
A 4-core one (which I believe is what the Orion/Exynos is using) should be comfortably quicker than the SGX540/Adreno 205 (which are both around the same speed give or take).

I believe Samsung market it as '5x better GPU performance', so expect double or so I'd guess...
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