****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***


I think I have a hint of screen burn showing up on mine!

This comes and goes.

I've noticed with change in temps, and lot of screen use. It appears to get screen burn, lcd bleeding.

But so far its always corrected itself, and screen returns to normal. I've only been able to really notice it when the screen is off.
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This comes and goes.

I've noticed with change in temps, and lot of screen use. It appears to get screen burn, lcd bleeding.

But so far its always corrected itself, and screen returns to normal. I've only been able to really notice it when the screen is off.

I normally notice it on the grey screen on the market, Usually it goes after a minute or so, I rarely use full brightness though.
Possibly, one guy has reported that with LG Camera it's recording in stereo. Try it for yourself I guess!

I can't get away from CM9. It's too good, even with the various faults. However, with video recording fixed things are looking pretty darn awesome now. MHL I guess is broken, a few other minor things, FM Radio won't ever be implemented but overall excellent.

Even with the new root options, my business app (Good For Enterprise) won't work because it detects root. If anyone has a smart way to remove root in CM9 I'd be grateful. I guess I could disable in developer settings and then remove su and superuser. Not sure if it'd work though. Gotta try it yet.
Has anyone else noticed that Titanium Backup free has disappeared from the market? The pro version is the only one that shows up.
I wish you could use ICS Domination with HydrogenICS. :p

Has anyone else noticed that Titanium Backup free has disappeared from the market? The pro version is the only one that shows up.

Actually yeah I noticed that earlier. You can get to it by going onto the pro version and scrolling down to "other apps from this author" or something.
Could anyone tell my why flashing domination 4.1 LP3 universal has only partially worked?


My wallpaper hasn't changed (nor lockscreen) and settings, keyboard and sms have also not be themed.
Well the lock screen wallpaper and normal wallpaper won't change as they arent part of the domination theme. As for the rest its difficult to say from just that one shot.
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I didn't have any joy with Wanamlite 10.3

Did a full wipe/clean install twice and it gets a 'Maps not responding' error during install and generally runs like crap once it does finish.

I had to double press the home button to even get my launcher to come up.

Back on 10.2 till another release, though I do recall his topic being called 10.2 FINAL :p

Apex isn't as smooth for me as my GB LP install was, bit laggy on homescreens but overall performance seems nice. :)
Could anyone tell my why flashing domination 4.1 LP3 universal has only partially worked?
My wallpaper hasn't changed (nor lockscreen) and settings, keyboard and sms have also not be themed.

Looks to have worked fine to me. the Vert theme doesn't change your wallpaper, it doesn't theme SMS. The settings screen should be themed however, is it definitely still stock?

I'm currently running Neat ROM with Vert 4.1, no issues with the theme at all so far, and it's great to not have black-on-grey menus anymore :)
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Why would you want to? Isn't ICS Domination just an ICS theme for Samsung roms? You can't get more ICS than aosp :p

When I used it some of the dialogs, buttons and menus etc were "gingerbread style" and not themed in the same way as the system settings for example. Also the loading animation isn't smooth ! :p
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