****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

I have this problem too. Any fixes?

I've had the same problem on most of my previous phones (HTC TyTn II, HTC HD2 and now the SG2).

I think it's something to do with the auto white balance, but I don't think I've ever successfully been able to get rid of it (regardless of the ROM/camera settings).
The latest Hydrogenics update seems to have improved my wifi and hsdpa performance considerably when at home.

What network are you on mrk? I dont think i've ever seen more than 3mb down on giffgaff (o2). Also, did you do a full wipe with the latest Hyrdo or just flash over the top?
I'm on 3.

Not a full wipe no, just installed on top and re-flashed Gapps (required). You have to re-add your Google Account back in so be ready with your new 2step activation code if you use it.
Keep getting

E:failed to verify whole-file signature
E:signature verification failed

When loading CM7 or 9...

Any ideas?
Does anyone know how to "fix" the scrolling with the ICS browser in all samsung based ROMs? On the ocuk forums for example when double tapping it does not zoom "intelligently" and the scrolling is all over the place unless you moved your finger perfectly up/down.

Checkrom V6 suffered the same problem until you flashed one of the browser mods so its a real pain to see it return. Alternative browsers are better as is the stock browser in Hydrogenics.

Any ideas?
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