***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Actually, other than rooting, I have yet to do anything to it...which is surprising :p

Still running tests on this SSD first to make sure everything is fine but I do have pics of both white and blue in their respective Zenis docks from both angles with correct white balance so will post those in a bit...
I bought the Samsung 830 series 256GB drive from OcUK and it came with a neat little USB converter so the 120GB Force 3 is now my portable USB drive:


Taking TV series round mates houses will be a breeze. Legal materials of course ;o Haven't decided if I will sell it in the near future though, keep an eye on MM :)


Very nice! :)

Still need to get myself a SSD :(, been looking at the force 3, M4 or possibly the sandisk one and waiting patiently for the prices to come down a bit more....

I will most certainly be keeping an eye out :)

Legal materials my ***!!! :p :D
Ordered a white one for my uncle, he only checks emails and uses the nav! Im going to try and make him swap for my S2 :p
Now to end all questions regarding colours and shades :p

Yes, the home button on the blue is definitely blue/purple compared to the darker, almost black/brushed look in dim lighting whereas in normal or daylight it looks a pale shade of dark grey/black with a hint of blue under the glaze.

Both white and blue do have a different shade from an extreme angle from either side. The white is less obvious of course.






I reckon this new blue is more of a tonic/metallic blue as opposed to the pebble blue which was definitely more purple/lighter blue.

I've applied the screen protector which came free with the Rock case and managed to get one or two air bubbles and it doesn't cover the entire front, there's 1mm or so margin around the edge, basically where the rounded bevel starts on the glass. So be wary when buying cheaper screen protectors.

The Zagg Invisible Shield covers the entire glass area nicely.
Yup the white looks nice in its own way but personally I'd always opt for the darker colour!
I always thought chrome was built into pics but just noticed it on the app store? which works best for this big screen for formatting and readability?

Agree that the new blue looks nice but still feel the trim let's it down :/

Also to reiterate my question earlier, best to use gps or Google location? I have unlimited data.

Enjoy the phone mrk!
Nice pictures, I'm happy I've waited for the blue. If only play would actually send it out... I'm still convincing myself that I can wait a while longer for the lower price (inc cashback)
Nice pics mrk, i'm definitely getting the blue one as white just doesn't do it for me...plus judging by your pics it seems that the blue version has an led cutout compared to the white version.
Nice pictures mrk, shows both in a honest light i think. Wouldn't complain on having either if i was in the position of buying one again. (very happy with my white though, nice change.)

Just swapping data to my new 64GB card, then to download the camera hack from XDA :p
Cheers :)

It feels weird having an LED notification after all these years that's for sure!
Oh really? I was going to go out tomorrow morning, but if there is a chance it will be here maybe i shouldnt go! :eek:

No guarantee, just check your tracking number in the morning :) If your over in the mainland you've more of a chance of it being here than me, damn Northern Ireland.

Just checked parcelforces website, no guaranteed delivery for saturday but still a small chance eh.
No guarantee, just check your tracking number in the morning :) If your over in the mainland you've more of a chance of it being here than me, damn Northern Ireland.

Just checked parcelforces website, no guaranteed delivery for saturday but still a small chance eh.

hm, yeh good plan. i will check the tracking before i go out and see if it says out for delivery.
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