***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Got my s3 this morning, On Giffgaff. Love it! :D

Whats the crack with Sky Go app not being compatible?

Also whats the best mp3 player software? (im coming from ios so complete noob lol)

From top down:

Yeah I want that cable! It's £10.33 though and I don't know if it's really worth a tenner for a cable, need more thoughts on it :p

Here you go, it's defo worth it because one will be less likely to get it caught in ones foot thus dragging stuff out of the pc unsafely or propelling them across the room in a trebuchet action.:cool:

I want one too.

Ah I see you bought it already, well done, decisive action takes the day again.
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Just opened mines. Had to travel on an emergency business trip to NY so it's been waiting. Have to fly back on Sunday though.

Looks good screen size is spot on.
Just disabled 'auto brightness' in the settings and suddenly the phone looks a million times better. Swear auto brightness on my desire wasnt so dim. Literally just got brightness set to halfway and it looks lightyears better than on auto!

What brightness are you folks using on yours? I suppose not having auto could be an issue in direct sunlight but lets face it..we dont get much.
Anybody else's weather main stopped working? I've tried reboting, battery pulling and installing the widget. All of which has done nothing :(. Just got a blank image and if I click it it says it has stopped responding
Had a massive scare last night when my girlfriend snagged the usb cable and literally pulled my phone off of the bedside cabinet, fell down onto her laptop and made a loud crack. I still keep checking over my phone assuming something must be broken but its poss okay.

Find myself freaking out being over protective on this phone it feels so fragile lol. Had my desire fallen off i would have been frantially checking her laptop for damage instead haha
Just tested the S2 and S3 side by side on page loading speeds using ICS+ Browser on Anandtech and BBC news and they are both neck and neck speed wise. Pinch to zoom is a little smoother on the S3 but that's it. Quite surprised actually.
Really? WiFi I assume or 3G?

I use the same browser and the S3 is definitely much quicker at rendering pages. Load times are similar but rendering is much faster!
Yes WiFi VM 50Mb. Tested it quite thoroughly - both with flash turned off. Both load soo quick that render and complete loading are done just after each other.
Just a bit brighter, but then when you go outside you have to open up settings and adjust, rather have a slightly dull screen.

Install qbright and then set a gesture to apex or go so when you swipe up or down on your home screen or dock icons, qbright is brought up like this:


You can use custom values for each of those labels, change the label names, delete them etc.


Nice photos on the last Page there kona :)
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mrk - this is how brightness profiles on my S2 looks btw: i.e. different to the high res S3.


Nice photos on the last Page there kona :)


Yeah - really great for a phone and even a compact camera - the sun helped a lot.
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I just rooted mine, thanks to the guys who posted the link, it really is very simple to do but I suppose if you have never rooted before it may appear a little tricky, will post step for step exactly what to click if anyone wants.
My phone was just delivered and rooted :) Just one niggle there is a raised blemish on the back cover like a grain of sand fell on the plastic as it was setting hopefully my Nillkin case should be here next week and will cover it - out of sight out of mind :rolleyes:
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