***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

My daughter's white 16Gb upgrade from Orange has arrived today, pretty quick as I only called them last Wednesday. There's going to be a fight to have a play when I get home!
About to pick this up at carphone warhouse.

£34 a month with Three.

EDIT: Says I have to allow 2 days for my order to be ready for going to pick it up. Is this standard procedure? I've always had a pay as you go phone. First time getting a phone on contract.
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Woah is that a Nokia from 20 years ago? How have you kept it soo shiny :eek:

Or - F-me how on earth did you scratch it soo much soo quickly :p

Colleague is sitting next to me with a white device and im sold on it... looks very classy, theres no crummy colour differences at different angles, and the home button fits perfectly. It looks more premium than the blue imo, and scratches wont show on it so easily.
Colleague is sitting next to me with a white device and im sold on it... looks very classy, theres no crummy colour differences at different angles, and the home button fits perfectly. It looks more premium than the blue imo, and scratches wont show on it so easily.

you can't see the scratches unless you put it under light.
Colleague is sitting next to me with a white device and im sold on it... looks very classy, theres no crummy colour differences at different angles, and the home button fits perfectly. It looks more premium than the blue imo, and scratches wont show on it so easily.

^^^ Much of muchness - It only needs to look good to the owner - the rest can get stuffed.
After reading mrk's comments about nova launcher, I decided to try it. I love it! Forgot how good it was having folders, and I think it actually seems a little smoother than Apex.
It is brilliant :) Put both animation and scrolling speed to slowest and bask in the liquid smooth and eye pleasing transitions!
I moved it down to the slowest speed, but I actually like it at the stock nova setting. Very smooth and fluid, while also being quick.

Sorry, it might be my eyes being silly, but that's how it seems. :D
Fair enough!

I just like watching the animations I guess, so they're not over in a flash :P

With Power Saving, I only enabled the restrict CPU clock option so the CPU only maxes at 1GHz vs 1.4GHz on stock. This is good for extended battery life somewhat and can easily be turned on and off using the quick toggle in the notification bar.

I have yet to fully test it a day with it on and off, today is off, tomorrow will be on :p
I think I know the answer to this, but presumably I can use the charger from my old desire HD?

Ditto can I use my Galaxy S2 chargers. I obviously know it's the same port but remember reading that the S3 draws more power so S2 chargers were not working or something?
Was gonna go for the OneX, but after reading through this thread lately. Today I'll be pre-ordering the 16GB white SIII :)
Hopefully will be ready by time I get back from Jamaica!
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