***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Proud to announce that I am finally part of the S3 club :) Wow, what a phone. Traded in my old S2 today as part of a deal on a new contract.

However, I noticed this evening after a heavy session of playing on the phone that it appears to have a dead pixel :( I've ran 2 separate pixel test programs and under all colors the pixel is totally dead. Great. I'm taking it straight back to Phones4U tomorrow morning to show them the problem and exchange for a replacement.

Has anyone tried Paranoid Android? Flashed it last night and couldn't get wifi to work. Read on the thread that there's wifi problems, so I flashed CM9 to apparently change the bootloader and nandroided back to Paranoid and it still wouldn't work.
Would restoring a nandroid image not just restore the old bootloader as well? I'd try flashing straight over the top of CM9 and see if that works.
Would restoring a nandroid image not just restore the old bootloader as well? I'd try flashing straight over the top of CM9 and see if that works.

I think I tried that. I've got all the files on my phone still so I'll try again :o

edit: Still didn't work. I don't know if this is a CM10 bug or a PA bug. I get extremely low wifi signal and it just wont connect. Nandroided back to Sammy ICS and I get full signal.
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Apple fans made a reply..

Love how the best that they could come up with in some of those responses was "saved 2 seconds of our time with this innovation", yet had it been an Apple idea it would have been "save 24 hours of your life a year with this feature*

*based on making 118 calls per day, every day for the year (assuming the battery last long enough to make 118 calls)"

And the rest is either incorrect, moot point or just bitching.
I'm not saying Samsung's right to punt this advert, but it's a typical Apple iDrone response.
Not to ask stupid questions but is there any disadvantage to buying this thing abroad? Does it use a different bandwidth or anything in the UK? I'm in Singapore in a couple of weeks and whilst I would never knowingly avoid VAT I am forgetful from time to time.
There are a few different versions of the S3 out and about I've got no idea if the one released in Singapore is the same as we get here though.
If I flash to another ICS based ROM from stock, do I still need to do a full wipe? even though they're both 4.0.4 based?

I'm assuming I do, but I don't want to wipe everything just to find out that I didn't HAVE to do it lol so thought I'd ask here :)

Also, the sheer number of custom roms for this phone is overwhelming to be honest... My first thought was CM9 because that's what I'm used to, I wasn't exactly spoilt for choice with the Spica lol but here I'm torn between CM9, Foxhound, Omega and Criselko...

I'm leaning towards Criselko as the revews of it seem to point to that, but by the same means I want to lean away from the touchwiz style ROMs...

What's the weapon of choice for a rock-solid ICS based ROM with good battery life (better than stock if possible)

(Also, as a sub-question, is there a way to get the stock power toggles in the notification bar to NOT scroll every damn time I pull it down!? I know they scroll.. I don't need to be shown every time I pull down to switch something! :( slowly driving me insane! lol)
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