***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

I think every new owner should try an AOSP rom at least once, just so they learn the differences between a stock android build and a touchwizzed one :p
Thank you!

Some may have a go at me for saying this, but if you are willing to put up with the memory leak issues (in other words, restart your phone at mid-day and at night time), CM10 is definitely worth a shot. Some bugs, but it is definitely smoother than CM9 was. I installed it last night after using CM9 for a while, and personally think that it is worth the extra hassle. CM9 does work though, although for some reason the hardware composer cuts off video in the YouTube app, which isn't sorted (and probably won't be now that the focus is on CM10).
Where can i find a link for cm10? Cos i am looking on the XDA site but it lits it via diffrent mobile networks in the states, mine is just a plain unlocked, unbranded version on ICS
CyanogenMod Latest Releases - i9300. However, don't install it if you aren't willing to cope with a few bugs and the memory leak!

If you're now rooted, however, download and install MobileODIN and the required flash kernel. Always useful to have in order to update your recovery, as well as making it easier to flash back to stock for warranty purposes, on the device itself.

After that, use it to install the latest CWM Touch Recovery. Rename the linked file to recovery.img, place it at the root of the internal SD card/storage, run MobileODIN and click "Open file...", and it will automatically pick it up. Then click flash.

After this, in recovery I'd make a backup of the stock ROM (just in case) to the external SD card, then format all partitions apart from the external SD. Then install the zip, job done!
My Nillkin case is looking very grubby, what would people recommend to clean it?
Just chuck it in a tub of warm water with some cleaning product? Scrubs using a cleaning product?
My Nillkin case is looking very grubby, what would people recommend to clean it?
Just chuck it in a tub of warm water with some cleaning product? Scrubs using a cleaning product?

Black plastic one? I just used soap and water on mine with a dish cloth.
My Nillkin case is looking very grubby, what would people recommend to clean it?
Just chuck it in a tub of warm water with some cleaning product? Scrubs using a cleaning product?

Get a clean cloth some hot water and a couple off drops off washing up liquid and get the cloth soak it rinse all out all the water and go over it again until cleaned.


If you're now rooted, however, download and install [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1311077&d=1347106492"]MobileODIN
and the required flash kernel. Always useful to have in order to update your recovery, as well as making it easier to flash back to stock for warranty purposes, on the device itself.

Out of interest, what's the mobile flash kernal for? I'm on SuperNexus but I don't believe I've changed the kernal and is the one you linked compatible?
Welcome to team android, only had my sgs3 a day if that but already impressed how much of an improvement it is over sgs2.

Wipes the floor with iPhone4 imo

Thanks i used to own a HTC hd2 2 when it first came out .. moddibg android onto that wss fun. This phone is awesome, worth it for the speed increase alone!
I don't :p

Although I will be a bit miffed if the UK LTE phones get shipped with it and the non-LTE have to wait even more.
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Samsung has published a full page ad in National Papers in the USA basically going on the offensive and doing what it does best in the advertising world.

Pretty funny!

Out of interest, what's the mobile flash kernal for? I'm on SuperNexus but I don't believe I've changed the kernal and is the one you linked compatible?

Confusingly, it's not a kernel, just an .apk required by Mobile ODIN in order to work.

As for kernels, quite honestly, I'd stick with the kernel that came with the ROM (and maybe considering moving to a CM nightly rather than SuperNexus, which hasn't been updated in a while and might be more buggy than CM). The stock kernel is by far the best kernel - fastest, best battery life, and least buggy. Siyah would be great because of the audio mods, but for CM users it is just too experimental, and battery drain has been worse than the stock kernel since 1.5.1 or so.
It's a bit rich calling Samsung a bully when Apple just shafted them for $1bn. :p

I still don't like that campaign of theirs though, it's very tacky. They have a good product so learn to advertise it better, not like that.
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