***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

thanks stoosh - doing some backups now and will install CWM soon. Looking forward to trying out Pandorium V5.

Do you use Ti Backup at all stoosh? is it ok just restore all my user apps to Pandorium?

No worries kona :) I used to use TI backup when I was rooted it's an awesome app. Backup using TI backup, I backup to the external SD card, creating a Titanium Backup folder on there then backup sll the apps and data.

Once you've installed Pandorium, run TI and restore! :)
Great. CWM installed via Mobile Odin - Super easy. Now to Nandroid!

Mobile Odin is an awesome app, Chainfire really excelled himself there!

Be interesting to hear your thoughts on Pandoriam when you install it Mate.

I'll get around to it eventually, I just want to wait for the official Samsung 4.1.2 and mess around with that for a little while.

God knows when Samsung will release it though, I'm sure that they're making some tweaks from the i9300 ROM which will take some time I guess.
Nandroid is done - just making a copy to my PC.

Yeah stoosh - mobile odin is great, just makes things easier.

Will update you when I've installed the ROM. Thanks again.
Nandroid is done - just making a copy to my PC.

Yeah stoosh - mobile odin is great, just makes things easier.

Will update you when I've installed the ROM. Thanks again.

Nice one kona, anything I can do to help :)

I just checked Samfirmware it seems that Samsung have released 4.1.2 for carriers in Demark, Portugal, Austria and Switzerland.

We should be getting it soon! :D
I got 4.1.2 update this morning. Was that not intended for us yet?
I'm on orange/ee.

Just confirmed it in my about device menu. That plus the fact it's been bringing up tool tips on things
I got 4.1.2 update this morning. Was that not intended for us yet?
I'm on orange/ee.

Just confirmed it in my about device menu. That plus the fact it's been bringing up tool tips on things

Do you have a S3 LTE? or the normal S3?

The 4.1.2 update that I'm referring to is for the S3 LTE.

@kona, you might want to hold off installing Pandoriam Mate.

See below nicked from XDA from the Dev of Pandoriam

OFFICIAL 4.1.2 is OUT and i am working on it start as of tommorow as it is 2:30am here now.. And the download has just finished but expect the following


- Hopefully should run smoother
-Auto Rotate Gallery
- SMS stock app FIXED
- Removed Hot Boot, for some reason it doesnt like it with all the other mods that are with it I really wanted to take this out from the start but i just left it for some stupid reason
- One more thing i am trying to figure out is Google+ why it FC after selecting Settings>Instant Upload... Hopefully the official should fix this but who knows.
- if i think of anything else i will update
- Most of the stock apps will be updated frm samsung aswell hopefully

I am going to have to convert the mods over i think i dont want to use the same apks... I mean i will see how i go but most cooks use there same modded apks through out some version updates as they are the same coming from samsung... but For the official I am going to try do it clean and convert the mods to the Proper Official Updated APK which may take longer then the usual. But yeh I may take my time with this one as its not rooted or anything and i have to run it through the kitchen process, init.d, busybox , the lot this is basically from scratch now, before ausdim did all that for us.. ah well back to the hard life lol.. give me 3-4 days as i am very busy in the real world and new years is coming cant forget to party, put your phones down for abit trust me its good for you. :P

Having a problem with Wanam 5.2 and Dom 1.5.

If I flash Wanam it all works great. If I then flash JB Dom, I get SystemUI closes and no notification bar. This happens whether or not I install the 23 toggle part of Wanam on the Aroma installer.

Anyone know what I can do?

Currently I have Wanam 5.2 flashed WITH the 23 toggles selection. I want JB Dom on it without it screwing up. What's my next steps? :confused:
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@kona, you might want to hold off installing Pandoriam Mate.
See below nicked from XDA from the Dev of Pandoriam

OFFICIAL 4.1.2 is OUT and i am working on it start as of tommorow as it is 2:30am here now.. And the download has just finished but expect the following


- Hopefully should run smoother
-Auto Rotate Gallery
- SMS stock app FIXED
- Removed Hot Boot, for some reason it doesnt like it with all the other mods that are with it I really wanted to take this out from the start but i just left it for some stupid reason
- One more thing i am trying to figure out is Google+ why it FC after selecting Settings>Instant Upload... Hopefully the official should fix this but who knows.
- if i think of anything else i will update
- Most of the stock apps will be updated frm samsung aswell hopefully

I am going to have to convert the mods over i think i dont want to use the same apks... I mean i will see how i go but most cooks use there same modded apks through out some version updates as they are the same coming from samsung... but For the official I am going to try do it clean and convert the mods to the Proper Official Updated APK which may take longer then the usual. But yeh I may take my time with this one as its not rooted or anything and i have to run it through the kitchen process, init.d, busybox , the lot this is basically from scratch now, before ausdim did all that for us.. ah well back to the hard life lol.. give me 3-4 days as i am very busy in the real world and new years is coming cant forget to party, put your phones down for abit trust me its good for you. :P


I saw that - no biggie, I want to play now :D

My mate just flashes the Pandorium updates without wiping and he said it works fine. Just makes a Nandroid each time :)
Having a problem with Wanam 5.2 and Dom 1.5.

If I flash Wanam it all works great. If I then flash JB Dom, I get SystemUI closes and no notification bar. This happens whether or not I install the 23 toggle part of Wanam on the Aroma installer.

Anyone know what I can do?

Did you put other mods on?

I just did a No 23 Toggle Wanam 5.2 install and then chucked JB Dom 1.5/JKAY Universal on without any FCs.

On this topic, are there any 12/23 or whatever extended toggle lists themed by JB Dom yet?
Did you put other mods on?

I just did a No 23 Toggle Wanam 5.2 install and then chucked JB Dom 1.5/JKAY Universal on without any FCs.

On this topic, are there any 12/23 or whatever extended toggle lists themed by JB Dom yet?

No other mods at all.

I flashed Wanam 5.2 with 23 toggles and then the non-Jkay Domination as I don't have JKay mods on mine.
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You need to flash Wanam with Stock toggles then put JB Dom on.

I'm trying to find a JB Dom 1.5 compatible 15+ toggles mod but not found one so far.
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Now lost my notification bar completely :/

Not sure WTF I am doing wrong as I have flashed Wanam+JB Dom loads of times in the past. I am now reinstalling it with just the Rom Base, Kernel and Modem options checked. Everything else is unchecked.

WTF is the next step before I end up going back to a Nandroid of 4.1.1?

I simply want the exact same setup I had on 4.1.1 except with 4.1.2 i.e. Wanam ROM with the ability to change the toggles and themed on JB Dom.
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