***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Now lost my notification bar completely :/

Not sure WTF I am doing wrong as I have flashed Wanam+JB Dom loads of times in the past. I am now reinstalling it with just the Rom Base, Kernel and Modem options checked. Everything else is unchecked.

WTF is the next step before I end up going back to a Nandroid of 4.1.1?

I simply want the exact same setup I had on 4.1.1 except with 4.1.2 i.e. Wanam ROM with the ability to change the toggles and themed on JB Dom.

The Notification Bar being missing with the 15 Toggle mod is known in the thread, reading through now for solution.
Starting again. Trying:

Wanam 5.2 with stock toggles
Kryten 23 Toggles with With Text/Brightness Slider and Stock Battery Icon

Edit - Nay worked :/
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Yeah been trying it as well but no joy. Closest I can get is adding and removing the toggles using the Samsung settings albeit a lot (like screen lock and airplane mode etc) are missing :(
crDroid 9.1 is meant to be released tomorrow bundled with JB Dom 1.5. I recommend everyone checks it out, cracking rom with great mods :)
Quick question for you guys, recently Facebook messenger is getting messages sometimes 20mins after its been sent, the other normal one app is usually quicker but never tells me there is a message, is this something you guys get or anything you know of that could sort it..I've reinstalled both apps, removed and put the account back, cleared cache and data with no joy. Other than that issue they work ok.
My other half keeps getting 'phantom' notifications that don't actually exist... She normally has her phone on vibrate only so we don't notice it happening, but over the last couple of days she's had it on full volume and we can hear every single one - she's getting ~10/15 ghost alerts a day! It's insane lol

It's not SMS getting lost as it's not her message tone, it's just her standard notification tone - we can't work out what's causing it though! she's got notifications for facebook and twitter turned off, ebay makes a different noise, we can't work it out!

Has anyone else had the same problem? if so, did you manage to find a cure for it?

Thanks in advance :)
Sad times. Put the phone to charge overnight at 11pm. Woke up at 3am to find the phone on the black and white boot logo. Can get into download mode but can't flash in Odin because of a no Pit partition error.

Back it goes :(. Hope they don't pick on it still being rooted as I can't remove it...
No pit error only appears if your trying to re partition doesn't it? Can you get to recovery?

Wipe in recovery and then flash a ROM in Odin.
No pit error only appears if your trying to re partition doesn't it? Can you get to recovery?

Wipe in recovery and then flash a ROM in Odin.

No can't get to recovery. Also tried to flash with a 4 part ROM which had a new PIT file to re-partition. Said it failed to install :(

Was listening to music last night, put it on charge and now it's stuck on the boot screen.

It's a release day phone as well for those who are interested.
How about flash a recovery using Odin, then wipe in recovery, then flash a ROM.

Or, just try and flash a stock ROM, no re-partition, no wipe. That should put stock recovery back on. It may boot loop, but then you go into recovery and wipe.
My other half keeps getting 'phantom' notifications that don't actually exist... She normally has her phone on vibrate only so we don't notice it happening, but over the last couple of days she's had it on full volume and we can hear every single one - she's getting ~10/15 ghost alerts a day! It's insane lol

It's not SMS getting lost as it's not her message tone, it's just her standard notification tone - we can't work out what's causing it though! she's got notifications for facebook and twitter turned off, ebay makes a different noise, we can't work it out!

Has anyone else had the same problem? if so, did you manage to find a cure for it?

Thanks in advance :)

Check your Google Now notifications. Also, I get the standard tone sometimes when I connect to my home WiFi but, for some bizarre reason, it fails to get full internet connection (check for triangular exclamation mark symbols in the notification area)
Has anyone been having battery drain issues lately?? I have been going to bed with 40% and waking up with a dead phone.
Saw a large thread on the android forum that Samsung Apps have caused it, and I did notice the Samsung Push service updated recently, so I have disabled that and the Samsung App store.
Hopefully should solve the problem.
Has anyone been having battery drain issues lately?? I have been going to bed with 40% and waking up with a dead phone.
Saw a large thread on the android forum that Samsung Apps have caused it, and I did notice the Samsung Push service updated recently, so I have disabled that and the Samsung App store.
Hopefully should solve the problem.

Get BetterBatteryStats and look at the wakelocks from a full charge.
Just had this new android update and wondered if anyone else had? For me it has rioned the keyboard as I now dont get the question mark and comma etv after typing each word and insteqd get the and similar words? !?! Anyone know how I can set it back to the old style?

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