***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Have you tried downloading it again and reflashing? just in case you got a bad download?

Failing that, either restore your backup (assuming you made one? ;)) or download another ROM and flash that so you've at least got something that works :)

(I can recommend Sotmax Ultimate v12 :))

(Can't help but thinking you should have foreseen that you would have problems with this and just not flashed it ;))
lol Enigma :)

Clairvoyant, try installing it again. As you have done a full wipe try selecting cache & dalvik when installing.

I installed this rom yesterday and it went on with no problems.
Ok thanks, which one did you buy abd which would you recommend?

There are the sandisk ultra, ultra mobile or the ultra andriod bi-coloured? All are class 10.

This is the one I've had since June.


I got an update on SwiftKey on my SIII and since then when i restart or or reboot my device it goes back to the stock Samsung Keyboard and I have to change it.

Anyone else had this issue?
Trying out this crdroid 9.1.1 atm. That was possibly the longest set of install screens on an aroma installer I've ever seen :P Good to have so many options though. I liked how JB Dom was part of the installer.
However I'm not liking the AOSP lock screen, but really can't be bothered to reinstall it all again..

I was just looking at this ROM. Do you install it in the normal still via Recovery etc and then the options come up?
Seems longer than most looking here:

Also, not sure what 'modem' to choose?
Which of the three modem options should I choose? I assume it is down to region but not sure and couldn't see exact match in phone settings.
so recently my GS3 have not been able to send messages even when i have full bars network.
sometimes it takes me 3-4 attempts just to get one message sent. this never happened to my old Galaxy Ace.
should i be worried and return the phone or get it checked out?
does anyone know whats happening?
Which is the best ROM atm? Crdoid? and how would I go about flashing it? I've just upgraded from my S2 and I've forgotten how to flash roms! I have routed using the memory exploit, how do I get CWM on it so I can easily flash a new rom?

EDIT: Is mobile odin worth it?

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so recently my GS3 have not been able to send messages even when i have full bars network.
sometimes it takes me 3-4 attempts just to get one message sent. this never happened to my old Galaxy Ace.
should i be worried and return the phone or get it checked out?
does anyone know whats happening?

What network?

I've had trouble sending messages tonight on Three.
So is there no fix or shall I just wait for another update
There's not a fix as such (AFIAK) but you can workaround it by freezing the stock keyboard with Titanium Backup.

Which is the best ROM atm? Crdoid? and how would I go about flashing it? I've just upgraded from my S2 and I've forgotten how to flash roms! I have routed using the memory exploit, how do I get CWM on it so I can easily flash a new rom?

EDIT: Is mobile odin worth it?

I've been a long time user of Wanamlite. I tried CRDroid the other day but I didn't like the blue status bar and couldn't see how to get rid of it.
Sotmax Ultimate ROM that EniGmA1981 keeps going on about ; looks very good and I'll be trying that next.

The thread for just about every ROM on XDA has How To instructions. Basically, once you have CWM Recovery installed you can't go wrong.

Mobile Odin is very good but you don't really need it. I have it but usually just go through CWMR
So is there no fix or shall I just wait for another update
There's not a fix as such (AFAIK) but you can workaround it by freezing the stock keyboard with Titanium Backup.

Which is the best ROM atm? Crdoid? and how would I go about flashing it? I've just upgraded from my S2 and I've forgotten how to flash roms! I have routed using the memory exploit, how do I get CWM on it so I can easily flash a new rom?

EDIT: Is mobile odin worth it?

I've been a long time user of Wanamlite. I tried CRDroid the other day but I didn't like the blue status bar and couldn't see how to get rid of it.
Sotmax Ultimate ROM that EniGmA1981 keeps going on about ;) looks very good and I'll be trying that next.

The thread for just about every ROM on XDA has How To instructions. Basically, once you have CWM Recovery installed you can't go wrong.

Mobile Odin is very good but you don't really need it. I have it but usually just go through CWMR
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^ Cheers for that, once i've got CWM installed im sure I'll be fine. Its getting CWM installed that i'm worried about!

Any guides on how to do that?
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