***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

I flashed this a few days back, my Gmail notifications don't work properly now.
Going to flash the new one and see if that makes a difference.

Didn't have a problem on 9.0. Just about to flash 9.1.1 so I'll see if the problem is there too :)
i rarely use gmail so i cant tell if i have problems but everything else is running ok for me.

*edit* just updated to crDroid 9.1.1 :)
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Guys in need of much needed help! I currently have the S3 16GB but I have games around 2GB taking up too much space so I wanted to purchase a SD card for the phone.

What do you lot have and for how long have you had it?

I ask the second question as I've been reading that A LOT of Class 10 Sandisk 64GB cards are failing and after a while not bieng reconised by the phone.

I wish samsung would hurry up and release the 64GB model of their SD card.

What do you have and what do you reccomend and from where?

And will it allow me to put my android games onto the SD?


Ive used the 64GB SanDisk card since release and not had a problem so I'd risk it and purchased one tbh..
Guys in need of much needed help! I currently have the S3 16GB but I have games around 2GB taking up too much space so I wanted to purchase a SD card for the phone.

What do you lot have and for how long have you had it?

I ask the second question as I've been reading that A LOT of Class 10 Sandisk 64GB cards are failing and after a while not bieng reconised by the phone.

I wish samsung would hurry up and release the 64GB model of their SD card.

What do you have and what do you reccomend and from where?

And will it allow me to put my android games onto the SD?


samsung cards will be no different to sandisk, they're all pretty much the same thing made to the same specifications, furthermore samsung semiconductor have literally nothing to do with the CE part of the business other than the name over the door.

the only major differences are whether the manufacturer actually manufactures the NAND or rebadges, iirc (not been involved in this for a while) sandisk, samsung, micron and maybe toshiba are the only manufacturers, you'd be surprised how few companies actually manufacture flash memory given the amount of brands out there.
Trying out this crdroid 9.1.1 atm. That was possibly the longest set of install screens on an aroma installer I've ever seen :P Good to have so many options though. I liked how JB Dom was part of the installer.
However I'm not liking the AOSP lock screen, but really can't be bothered to reinstall it all again..
Trying out this crdroid 9.1.1 atm. That was possibly the longest set of install screens on an aroma installer I've ever seen :P Good to have so many options though. I liked how JB Dom was part of the installer.
However I'm not liking the AOSP lock screen, but really can't be bothered to reinstall it all again..

Similar happened to me, I chose the wrong battery icon but I can't be bothered to install the whole thing again so have just left it.
Unless im reading it wrong, I think you can run the installer again but keeping what you want only changing things you dont want.

The remaining steps will let you to install or uninstall anything that you have already installed and for some reason didn't like it, without need to install FULL ROM again.
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Cyclone how is the crdroid ROM working out for you??.

Am seriously thinking of changing wanam to crdroid.

If i do decide to flash to crdroid, should i do a full wipe?? obv ill do a backup via titanium and cwm backup as well.
I did a full wipe after coming from wanam. Takes a matter of seconds to reload your apps from titanium so I figured no point in not doing so..

Unless I've done it wrong, I went back to recovery and re-installed crdroid (didnt use the aosp lock screen this time!). But it was a full install, and had to check all the options I wanted again. Not sure if there's a quicker way of doing it...

Although I did use the install option of just wiping the cache, so all my apps are still there at least. However this time I picked the AOSP battery icon, thinking it was the circle with the pixels... but it's just a battery, so gotta do it again now!!! lol
Im having no problems at all. Its nice and smooth and as others have said you have dozens of options when installing it. The sound mods are nice, music is better.

You will need to wipe as its a different rom but do backups as normal incase you dont like it.

I found that on a clean install connect your phone via wifi, then log into google play via pc and you have all the apps that you have installled on your phone. Then click the ones you want to install and use titanium to restore the settings, doesnt take long. I know you can restore apps as well but i find it reduces errors.....but thats just me :)

Im also using jkay version of jb domination, you need to buy the app to change the settings but it was only £1.50.
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Im having no problems at all. Its nice and smooth and as others have said you have dozens of options when installing it. The sound mods are nice, music is better.

You will need to wipe as its a different rom but do backups as normal incase you dont like it.

I found that on a clean install connect your phone via wifi, then log into google play via pc and you have all the apps that you have installled on your phone. Then click the ones you want to install and use titanium to restore the settings, doesnt take long. I know you can restore apps as well but i find it reduces errors.....but thats just me :)

Im also using jkay version of jb domination, you need to buy the app to change the settings but it was only £1.50.

Cheers mate, i guess ill give it a go later later tonight when i get some time.

What is the name of the app that you had to pay £1.50??. Is it available on google play??.

Again cheers.
Just had this new android update and wondered if anyone else had? For me it has rioned the keyboard as I now dont get the question mark and comma etv after typing each word and insteqd get the and similar words? !?! Anyone know how I can set it back to the old style?


This annoyed me very much!

Have since installed swiftkey 3 and its much better than the original and 4.2 keyboards.
Ok thanks, which one did you buy abd which would you recommend?

There are the sandisk ultra, ultra mobile or the ultra andriod bi-coloured? All are class 10.

Just says Sandisk ultra on the card so assume it's the first one, pretty sure it was from amazon/play and was around £40, class 10.
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