There will undoubtedly be plenty of awesome ROMs for the S4, including Omega I imagine. I have never bothered with Cyanogen mod and don't intend to either. they are not the ebe-all and end-all of phone ROM development.
Lets look at this realistically: the S IV will be so wildly popular that development is guaranteed; anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves imo.
Exactly. I haven't use CM in ages and I've used the stock Samsung firmware as a based and tweaked it to my liking. As long as the device can be rooted & CWM recovery installed then development will be done.
One suspects this is a ploy from the CM team to get at the required Exynos documentation & module sources they have been after for a while. I wish them luck & hope that Samsung does end up granting them their wish.
What is all this about different processors?
The Exonys Octa DOES support LTE, only on the 800/1800 and maybe 2600 bands, which is good for most of Europe (including the UK) but bad for the US and other places, hence the different chipsets.
Samsung Galaxy S4 preview: Take two
Exactly my thinking, though i'm with 3 anyway hence the desire for lte.
Do they ever test for phone to PC USB transfers and vice versa? My Sony XS, as do many phones, feels painfully slow at times when copy lots of files or large files.
gsmarena said:What you should take away from all this is that the final weak point of the Super AMOLED screens has been taken care of and the Galaxy S4 offers image quality like no other smartphone on the market. Its impressive contrast and almost perfect viewing angles make everything on the screen pop-up regardless of your view point.