**** The Official Samsung Galaxy S7/Edge Thread ****

From my own experience with an s6 and a gear vr I think the s7 would be a better experience than the s7E when coupled with the gear vr.

It does look better, when I had just got my 7E with vr from Samsung I compared it to my s6 and I could see the difference in the pixels.
Youtube settings > General > Limit mobile bandwidth setting.

It's disabled, even on WiFi I can't select 1080.

What are the common faults to look for with this device? Noticed someone in this thread saying they've noticed marks on there screen. This is one of the reasons I stay away from high end phones because as people may know I'm very particular about faults ! But I have ordered the s7 non edge

Should I get the VR? I've noticed you can buy cheaper s7 vrs on Amazon but they are unofficial, does it make a difference
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Gear VR is a bit of a novelty gimmick really. It's low resolution and doesn't convey the kind of "WOW" experience it's marketed as. Proper VR is via goggles with dedicated screens in each eye, like HTC Vive, proper Oculus, LG's VR headset etc.

There aren't really any other faults to look out for on the S7. Scratched screens are not faults, they're down to pure luck. You might snag the screen on one surface one day that leaves a fine scratch, you might not. This is not a device issue.
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