What the hell is this "screen overly detected" message showing up, this is infuriating.
So would I ... Samsung need to get over this edge gimmick crap but I cant see it happening.
It doesn't provide me with any additional functionality whatsoever, but my god does it look lovely. The regular S7 just looks bland at the side of it.
Anyone found spare usb cables that actually work for more than a week? I've had a couple of so called genuine ones but they never work for file transfer and the charge time (while it works) is utter dire.
Have a look on eBay mate. Search s7 EE unlock code, sort by lowest price, check unlock time (can vary from 6 hours to 5 days)
Is there a way to block unwanted incoming sales calls number?
What the hell is this "screen overly detected" message showing up, this is infuriating.
Anyone else on the Nougat beta experiencing wildly inaccurate GPS results? Seems to be a few threads for it in the beta forums, so it certainly looks Nougat-related.
Anyone else on the Nougat beta experiencing wildly inaccurate GPS results? Seems to be a few threads for it in the beta forums, so it certainly looks Nougat-related.
Thanks, one last thing, there was a handy little pop up menu that came up when I swiped up from the bottom of the screen, seems to have stopped working, could have changed something, any ideas?
There is no swipe up popup menu, only swipe in from the sides (Edge Panel features). Swipe up = an iOS thing.