Beta 6 battery life is excellent. over 5hrs SoT and some 22hrs from a charge. Pretty much how Nougat performed. The final can only be better really. I imagine those on the beta will get the OTA this week.
Battery has mostly been OK here too. On beta 6 I've had the battery run flat mid afternoon. This is out of character really.One time I felt the phone get warm in my pocket but the other two times not so much. Could be a rogue app though nothing showing up. Android system shows 30% usage but never checked what it is normally. Only done 3 times so far. Which is why I might do a wipe when final is released. Apart from what I just mentioned battery life is good. I can do 4hrs screen on and a 17hr day without worrying about a top up. No word on final though wonder if they'll leave it until the S9 is released as only Samsung would do?