**** The Official Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ Thread ****

Anyone purchasing direct from Samsung BEWARE of their insurance policy.
I've yet to figure out what it actually includes lol!!

What's not included:•Theft (including pickpocketing)•Loss of the product•Deliberate damage•Cosmetic damage

No wonder they've resorted to giving it away for free lol
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Has anyone used the renew 24 from Samsung (or whatever it's called)? On the face of it it seems to cost about the same as contract (I pay £15 pm for 8gb data, unlimited calls and texts), plus £34 for the Samsung deal, so £49 all in with the option to upgrade every 12 months or just run it like a normal 24month contract if wanted.

I guess it would hinge on how harsh they are with the inspection of the returned device but I use a case and protector anyway.. Anyone got any experience with it?

I'll order Monday, either on contract with EE or using Samsung.

If that's the samsung upgrade programme your referring to, its what I've gone for this year.

The one thing I absolutely HATE about samsung phones is that whilst technically they are usually quite good they depreciate quicker than my flippin car!!

Buy one this month for £700, 6 months later you'll be lucky to get half of that back!

So the way I see it - £60 deposit, £30 pcm for handset rental - come 12 months time swap for latest handset that they offer and start again. This way I lose less in depreciation (than if I had to sell the phone second hand). Alternatively if I don't see anything worth upgrading to just keep it another year and its all paid off for.

Cheapo 12-month sim only contract for a tenner and it still works out at least a tenner cheaper per month than most of the crappy £50+ tarrif + phone deals out there!
I'll wait for the mobiles.co.uk - hukd offer as I don't want to pay more than ~£35 a month. Managed to get it for the last 5 years on every brand new samsung handset, my s7 edge (£29.50 a month/free handset) is still more than good enough really. It'll have to be a very good deal for me to bite.

Best I've found so far...

S8+ handset cost £7.99
£42 a month - unlimited calls/texts/24gb data (vodafone)

The above is available for new customers. Upgrade customers don't get scammed, I've never upgraded, always gone for a new contract as they can never even come close.
Went for Orchid Grey, S8 standard size - 10GB data and 24 months spotify, £30 upfront and £53 a month... but I should get Vodafone Advantage discount bringing it to £45.05 a month

See above. Check mobilephonesdirect for MUCH better voda deals!
just asked voda for my PAC code, they wont budge from £52 for 24 gig and £50 for phone. SO i might aswell get a new contract!

S8+ handset cost £7.99
£42 a month - unlimited calls/texts/24gb data
If you're not bothered by the hassle of the staged cashback are there any other reasons to avoid Mobilephonesdirect? their free phone and £39 a month after cashback for 30gb of data unltd texts and minutes makes this by far the cheapest option that I've seen (£904.50 total cost if you factor the £31.50 topcashback too, same as a £9PCM sim only and buying the phone outright....and it comes with £10 a month worth of Spotify Premium so actually -£1pcm as I'd definitely be paying that anyway )
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Popped onto cpw to have a look at the s8, s7 and pixel with a view to probably getting one to replace my z3c. The s8 is a nice bit of kick, there's no denying that, but the software is still a big downer for me and if I'm paying that much money then I want it to be perfect. I also think it's still slightly too big for me. The same with the s7e really, but too big again and the software looks even worse. The best of the bunch for me was the pixel, but having had a play around with it for a while, I can't bring myself to pay that amount of money which TO me doesn't offer 600 pounds worth of improvement from what I'm currently on.

I've no idea where I can find a less expensive phone which has about a 5" screen, and be faster than my z3c with a finger print sensor. Help!
Well, I don't really need 'fancy' earphone nor a speaker. I use IE80s so anything that comes up bundled with a phone won't even be remotely as good. I'd much rather get them to drop the price to £539/£619 for 8 and 8+ and don't add anything extra rather than give us supposedly £200 worth of extras that we don't need.

Then again, after Pixel and iPhone released inferior phones for £750-1000, I suppose public thinks this is acceptable...

I wouldn't mind getting the new VR though - I've tried one of the cheap ones on my note4 and really liked it, especially for watching movies with the cinema app, the only thing that annoyed me is lack of control/remote to navigate between menus, which apparently now is solved.

Same for me as well. I never want bundled stuff. My iems are fidue a83 so better than anything bundled. And I'd rather not have hassle of selling stuff
See above. Check mobilephonesdirect for MUCH better voda deals!
Very interesting and thanks for the heads-up! Seems I got mugged right off by vodafone haha

I checked mobiles.co.uk but they didn't have anything decent as none of their deals seemed to include the spotify I wanted

But mobilephonesdirect seems different and the below deal seems very good indeed.


Leads me to my next few questions though if anyone can assist please?

1 - Mobilephonesdirect... Good service / you actually get what you pay for and no issues claiming the cashback? A few bad reviews are online.. but obviously you get that sometimes... Anyone here actually used them??
2 - I'm already with Voda... And want to keep my number - I have my PAC... Am I right in saying when I receive my new phone, I need to port off to something like an O2 PAYG SIM and then somehow to my new mobilephonesdirect SIM? How does that work as I thought you need the PAC code to give to the new 'provider' (mobilephonesdirect) when you place the order? And obviously I don't have the O2 PAC yet.. I only have the one from Voda which I obviously can't use to go back to Voda?
I've had a SIM only contract for the past year with MPD, and each cashback claim has been completely flawless and I was paid within a few days. Zero complaints from me!
I've had a SIM only contract for the past year with MPD, and each cashback claim has been completely flawless and I was paid within a few days. Zero complaints from me!
Awesome thanks! :D

Hopefully people can keep the good first-hand-experience reviews coming here?

And then I will very likely cancel my voda order and go with MPD as that deal is much better.

30GB vs 10GB

And £39 discounted price (cashback) vs £45.05 (advantage discount)

Full prices are £48 and £53 for MPD and Voda, respectively.
im in same position, voda contract up end of month. I want that deal but i need to cancel my voda contract, get a sim card then transfer the number. It is a bit of a faff
im in same position, voda contract up end of month. I want that deal but i need to cancel my voda contract, get a sim card then transfer the number. It is a bit of a faff
It's a saving of £175 compared to going with Vodafone (and 30GB vs 10GB)... I think it is worth the faff
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