V, C, and me did a quick VFR Flight yesterday on VATSIM. I thought I'd break down what we did at Cardiff to give forum members a quick example flight insight.
We started at EGFF in the GA parking area in the default Cessna 172.
Connect to VATSIM using FSInn or Sqawkbox.
Tune the radio to get the latest ATIS information. Note the runway, QNH and get the ATIS 'letter'. In my example, it's 'information golf'.
Tune the radio to the Cardiff Tower to get clearance.
"Cardiff Tower, Golf Romeo Echo Whiskey Yankee"
"Golf Romeo Echo Whiskey Yankee, Cardiff tower, pass your message"
"Golf Romeo Echo Whiskey Yankee is a Cessna 172 parked in general aviation parking with Information 'Golf'. Request taxi VFR flight to Bristol."
"Golf Whiskey Yankee, taxi holding point 'hotel', QNH 1010."
Taxi holding point 'hotel', QNH 1010, Golf Whiskey Yankee."
Off you trundle to holding point 'hotel'.
"Golf Whiskey Yankee are you ready for your clearance"
"Ready to copy clearance Golf Whiskey Yankee"
"Golf Whiskey Yankee, you are cleared to Bristol. Leaving the zone via the Flat Holm VRP (Visual Reference Point). Not above altitude 2000 feet, squawking 3021."
"Cleared to Bristol. Leaving the zone via Flat Holm. Not above 2000 ft. Squawk 3012, Golf Whiskey Yankee."
"Golf Whiskey Yankee squawk tree zero two wun"
"squawk tree zero two wun, Golf Whiskey Yankee"
"Golf Whiskey Yankee, readback correct."
"Golf Whiskey Yankee at holding point hotel, ready for departure."
"Golf Whiskey Yankee, cleared for takeoff, runway tree zero. right hand turn after departure. QNH is now 1011"
"Cleared for takeoff. Right hand turnout. QNH 1011. Golf Whiskey Yankee."
Strobe light on.
Landing lights on.
FSInn - squawk mode charlie.
If you get this far for a VFR flight, you're doing well!